leisure or inclination to turn their eyes or attention towards the petty doings of the last Newmarket spring meeting. We shall therefore merely give the results of the several days' running; leaving the learned sovereigns from Sir.M. Wood's f. by Juniper, 8st. 41b.
THE match P. P. between the Liberty filly and the Oligarch gelding heavy stakes depend on the issue of the race, that few people have either
comments of the reporter for some less exciting period. (aged), is at present the subject of so many hopes and fears, and so Match of 100 sovereigns. D. M.-Mr. Stonehewer's Zany, 8st. 71b. received 79 Match-Y.C.-Lurd Tavistock's Taurus, 12st. received from Lord Chesterfield's Monday, May 2.
Dlanche of Devon, fist. Match of 100 sovereigns, h. ft. D. M.-Lord Anson's Zillah, 7st. 31b. received 25 sovereigns from Lord Chesterfield's Carthusian, 9st. Match of 100 sovereigns, h. ft. 1). M.-Mr. Thornhill's Crutch, 8st. 51b. (Robin. son), beat Mr. Gully's f. by Lottery, out of Stotforth's dam, Sat. 31b. by a length. Match of 200 sovereigns. A. F. 8st. 5lb. each.-Duke of Portland's Amphiaraus (J. Day) beat Sir Mark Wood's Captain Arthur, by a length. Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each. A. F. Eleven subscribers. Sir M. Wood's Cetus, 4 yrs. 8st. 711, 1 Mr. Vansittart's c. by St. Patrick, out of Slight, 3 yrs. ist. 51b 2 The following also started :- Mr. Sowerby's Coroner, 6 yrs. 9st. 61b. Sir S. Graham's Rough Robin, 6 yrs. 9st. 61b. Mr. Batson's Acacia, 5 yrs. 8st. 31b. Mr. Stonehewer's Ipsala, 4 yrs. 7st. 71b. Mr. Hunter's Christina, 4 yrs. ist. 61b. Duke of Richmond's Conciliation, 3 y rs. 6st. 101b. Mr. Stebbing's Joan of Arc, 3 yrs. 6st. 91b Lord Lyuedoch's c. by Little John, d. by Canopus, 3 yrs. 6st. 11b. Won by half a length. Match 2001. h. ft. 8st. 51b. each. B. C.
Mr. Henry's c. by Emilius, out of Surprise (Robinson), beat Mr. Sowerby's Para-
dox by 4 lengths. Tuesday, May 3. 100/. h. ft. T. Y. C. Duke of Richmond's Elves, 8st. 91b. beat Colonel Russell's Mazurka, 8st. lib. by a length. Fifty pounds for three-year old colts 8st. 71b ; fillies fist. 41b. R. M. Duke of Rutland's Clansman (Robinson). 1 Colonel Wilson's c. by Emilius, out of Rotterdam 2 The following were not placed :-Mr. Sowerby's Sir Thomas (third) ; Mr. Bat- son's Muff; Mr. Harris's c. by Manfred, out of Palmyra ; General Grosvenor's Myrtilla ; Lord Egremont's f. by Whalebone, out of Thalestris ; Lord Chesterfield's Massaroni, and Mr. Rogers's Brother to Gayhurst.
131atch-501. h. ft. Y. C: Lord Chesterfield's Blanche of Devon, Sst. 31b. (Conolly), heat Lord Tavistock's f. by Middleton, out of Whisk's dam, 8st. 31b. Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, for three-year olds and upwards. T. Y. C. Nine subscribers.
Colonel Peel's Lochinvur, 3 yrs. 6st. 71b. (Nat.) Lord Cavendish's c. by Godolphin, out of Mouse, 4 yrs. 8st. 71b. 2 Mr. Sowerby's Gas, 5 yrs. 8st. Sib- 3 The following were not placed;-Duke of Richmond's Selictar, 3 yrs. ist. 41b. ; Mr. Henry's Tam O'Shanter, 3 yrs. 7st. 211). ; and General Grosvenor's Gerardiue, 3 yrs. 6st. 101b. Won by a length.
Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each; for three-year olds, 7st. 41b.; and 4 years, 8st.
71b. T. Y. C. The winner to be sold fur 1001. Seven subscribers. General Grosvenor's Gerardine, 3 yrs. (lad) . 1 Duke of Grafton's Rupert, 4 yrs 2
The following also started :-Mr. Ridsdale's c. by Lottery, out of Oceans, 3 yrs.; Mr. Henry's Sketch Book, 4 yrs. ; Duke of Richmond's Ardelia, 3 yrs.; Mr. Stone- hewer's f. by Aluley, 3 yrs.; and Lord Mountcharles's brother to Gayhurst, 4 yrs.
Won by a length. Wednesday.
Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, h. ft. for three-year-old colts, fist. 71bs. ; fillies,
8st. 41b. T. Y. C. 8st. 41b. T. Y. C.
Alr. W. Beresford's Little Fanny 1 Mr. Pettit's Adam Brock 2 General Grosvenor's Gerardine 3 Won by three lengths. The Judge placed but 3. 8 started
(First Class.) Handicap Plate of 501. for three, four, Live, six-year-old, and aged
horses. A. F.
Duke of Richmond's gr. c. Ciudad Rodrigo, 3 years, 6st. 71b Mr. Lumley's Howard, 5 years, 7st. 101b. ............. ......., 2
Lord G. H. Cavendish's b. f. by Partisan, 3 years, 6st. 31b. 3 Sir M. Wood's Captain Arthur, 4 years, 9st. 4 Won by three lengths. Four drawn.
(Second Class.) Handicap Plate of 001. for three, four, five, six-year-old, and aged A. F.
Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 4 years, ist. 81b. Sir 111 Wood's Cetus, 4 years, 8st. 61b Captain G. Bulkeley's Bustle, 4 years, ist. 31b '
Won by a length. The Judge placed but 3. 7 started ; one drawn.
Match 1001. D.M. Sir M. Wood's Galantine, 8st. 21b. beat Mr. Thornhill's Crutch, fist. 71b. by a length easy.
Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each ; for 3-yr-old colts, 8st. 71b.; fillies 8st. 41b. T.Y.C. The winner to be sold for 501. &e. Five Subscribers.
Mr. Roberts's Radical 1
Duke of Richmond's Ardelia Mr. Medley's Psyche Lord Tavistock's c. by Middleton-Lyrnissa Mr. Stonehewer's f. by Muley (bolted) The winner was claimed. Won by a neck Sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each ; for 2-yr-old colts, Sst. 51b.; fillies, 8st. 21b. Mr. Henry's b. f. by Wrangler, out of Helena Col. Peel's Archibald 2 Lord Lowther's f. by Partisan, out of Scratch 3 Five others were not placed. Won by a length. Match, 50/. T.Y.C. Lord Anson's Zillah beat Lord Jersey's Charlotte West. The match between Captain Rous's c. by Tramp, and Lord Anson's Dissolution,
was not run ; the latter paid.
Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, for three-year olds and upwards. Ten subscribers. T. Y. C.
A dead heat between Lord Blountcharles's Carwell and Air. H. Scott's Goshawk.
Several others started. Lord ilionntcharles and Mr. Scott divided the stakes. A Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, for three and four-year olds, was won by Mr. Pettit's Adam Brock beating brother to Gayhurst, and c. by Tramp. Fifty pounds for three-year olds and upwards. T.M. M. Duke of Grafton's Scipio, 3 yrs . 1 Mr. Henry's gr. c. by Partisan, 3 yrs . 2 Only two placed.
• Match 1001. h. ft. D. M.-Colonel Wilson's c. by Emilius,Sst. 71b. beat Mr. Thorn. hill's Africanus, fist. 71b. in a canter.
The Jockey Club Plate of Fifty Pounds. Duke of Rutland's Oppidan walked over.
Aft& the match between Zillah and Charlotte West, a match was run between Battiest and the Aluley filly, who again bolted, and was beat easy.
1 2 3 2 3 4 5