Fire.—the Vicarage-house Of Sutton Was Burnt To The...
Sunday the 24th ult. The fire spread so rapidly that a small part only .of the valuable furniture, plate, and linen could be saved. The-loss can- net - be less than 2,0001.- The......
Carlile.—the Case Of The King Versus Carlile. Was -heard...
the King's Bench on Wednesday, on the exceptions tendered against the in- dictment. The exceptions were-1st, that the words charged as libellms were not indictable ; 2nd, that......
Coaorma's Ittoonsrs.-lone Of These Sapient Tribunals Sent...
to Bow Street last Saturdv, on suspicion of child-murder. An infant, of which they most sagaciously concluded her to have been de- livered, had been found at Chiswick, under......
Sr. Patrick's Cumurr.—the Annual Dinner On Behalf Of St. Pa.
trick's Charity Schools took place on Wednesday at the Freemason's Tavern, the Duke of Sussex in the Chair. His Royal Highness success- fully advocated the cause of the charity,......
Lord Clifford.—this Nobleman Died On Friday, At His Seat In
De- vonshire. His Lordship was one of the Catholic Peers whom the bill of 1829 allotted CO take their bereditafy Seats in the Legisla- ture. He was in his . seienty-second year.......
Lords Lieutenant.—ill The Nqiinghanz Mercury Is An...
freeholders of the county, calling on them to sign a requisition fir a county meeting, "for the purpose of considering the propriety of pre- senting a petition to his Majesty,......