East India Shipping. In Our Shipping List Of Last Week,
we stated that the Reliance on her voyage from China bad encountered a dreadful hurricane, in lat. IS south, long. 85 east. It wid. be remembered that, last year the Company's......
Comparative Statement Of 'returns.
In this statement, those places where no change which affects the Bill has taken place are not included. All Members whose sentiments are itiniscertained, are given to the......
Returns To The Delegation Parliament, (continued.)
The names in Roman are for the Reform Bill ; in Italics against it. New mem- bers are marked• ; those whose sentiments are not known or doubtful 3; double returns 0. Andover........
State Of The Polls.
New Candidates are distinguished by an asterisk ; Anti-Reformers by italics. Bedford (County) . Tavistock... 645 Payne* 609 Stuart . 374 Caernarvon (Bor.) Sir C. Paget*.... 38......