We Strongly Recommend The Welsh Guide, Published By Lama...
the Strand, as a well-drawn-up and complete body of informa- tion for tourists in Wales. It is accompanied by an Interpreter, after the manner of Madame GENUS' French......
Mr. Murray, In Addition To The Many Curious And Valuable
contributions he has made to knowledge, has written a little treatise on the Diamond, where all that is known of that extraordinary pro- duction is collected and illustrated. No......
The Twelve Nights Consist Of Tales And Pieces Of Invention,
which we have read before in various periodicals. They were in general worth collecting, though the confusion made by their re- publication is disagreeable. We have praised......
The Candidates For A Place In Our Shelves Are This
week neither numerous nor important : until the fate of the candidates of another description is pretty generally decided, we suppose the publishers will hold back the......
Mr. Deakin's Deliverance Of Switzerland Has Arrived At A...
edition. It is but fair, therefore, to suppose that the public has found a pleasure in the perusal of it—we cannot. The subject, the history of TELL, is certainly an animating......
The Tale Of Alibeg The Tempter Is " Wild And
wonderful." It is by no means deficient in talent of the MATURIN school.......
The Patriot _ministry Is A Patriot Poem : It Is
dedicated to JEREMY BENTHAM, the most unpoetical subject in all Britain; and however good the intentions of the author, and however right the side he has joined, we fear that......
Tieck's Tales Of The " Old Man Of The Mountain,"
"The Love Charm," and " Pietro of Abano," are another unsuccessful at- tempt at German translation. Whether the beauties of that lan- guage are untranslateable, and possess some......
We Have Read With Considerable Interest This Number Of The
Botanical Miscellany, by Professor HOOKER: it not only shows great activity in the particular branch of science, but indulges the more general sympathies and wider interests of......
The Cottager's Own Book Will Be Found A Very Useful
little pam- phlet; and had but cottagers land, and could they read and buy books, we think they might get good from it. But generally speak- ing, cottagers are fully competent......
Mr. Murray Has Just Completed A Very Beautiful Little...
of Byron. The latter volumes contain the "Poems by a Minor," several of the earliest and many of the latest from the noble poet's pen—some of which have never been printed, and......