LORDS LIEUTENANT.—Ill the Nqiinghanz Mercury is an address to the
freeholders of the county, calling on them to sign a requisition fir a county meeting, "for the purpose of considering the propriety of pre- senting a petition to his Majesty, praying him to dismiss. from the situation of Lord Lieutenant of the county of Nottingham the Duke of Newcastle,- and to replace hint by a nobleman less inimical to the British constitution, and to civil and. religious liberty, and more talented to fulfil the duties of so important a situation." A similar call has been
made on the freeholders of Bucks. •
310NUMENT TO TIIE KING.:11 meeting of the brass and iron founders at Birmingham was held at the Bell and Anchor Tavern there on Mon- day last, to the number of about two thousand, for the purpose of enter ing into a subscription for erecting a monument of bronze in honour of cur patriot King. Mr: Samuel Butler was' called to the chair ; and de livered a most elaborate speech on the singular benefit our behived Sove- reign and his enlightened Ministers had conferred upon the nation by doing away with that infamous corruption. the boroughmongering sys- tem.. A' subscription of 7001. was made towards the object of the
• meeting.
BIRMINGHAM Im.marttorms.—A correspondent writes, " We had a spirited illumination on Monday night, after a meeting the largest ever held at Beardsworth's. The Vicar would not let the bells ring ; for which the people pelted him with mud. This was a little too bad, but the rest is pleasant. The people got ladders, and by means of them, gained admittance to the belfries of St. Philip's and St. Martin's ; they then barricadoed the doors, so as to keep out time police, who made avails attempt to gain admittance ; and after supplying new ropes (for the ()Id ones had been removed) they rang the bells throughout the day ; the magistrates, who at first resisted, finally giving way, saying the bells might ring till midnight. A subscription was raised fur the ringers. At the appointed moment the bells ceased, the whole being concluded by three cheers. The illumination was very general, and the throngs of people immense : with time clanging of the bells, the incessant firing of the guns, the bands which paraded the streets, and the lively cheers of the multitude, it was a very animating scene."