On the 3rd inst. in Grosvenor Square, the Countess of WI LTom, of a son. Ott May 4, in Eton Place, the Lady CA RO N E CALCRAFT, of a soul. 011 the let inst. at Duddington House, near Edinburgh, the lion. Mrs. KEITH, of a daughter. At her father's house, Saville Row, the Lady of C. II. PEMBERTON, Esq. of a daughter.
On the 2nd inst. the Rev. WILL/.131 GILSON, to ELIZA, third daughter of the Bishop of Chester. On the 28th ult. at Paris, the Count de NTONTEBEI.1.0, son of the late Due de Montebello, to Mute TERESA, daughter of Thomas Boddington, Esq. of Cumber- land Place.
On the 3rd inst. at Leamington Priors, WILLIAM TBINGIIAsr, Esq. R.N. to ELEANOR Am EL i A, widow of the late Lieut.-Col. Henry Tarleton, of the 60th Regt. and youngest daughter of the late and sister to the present Phillips Lloyd Fletcher, Esq. of Gwernhayled, in the county of Flint. On the 3rd inst. at Henley-on-Thames, ROBERT KING, Esq. of Grosvenor Place, to GEORGIANA ANNE, youngest daughter of the late Hon. Lieut.-Col. George Carleton.
On the 4th inst. at All-Sonls Church, Langham Place, FRANCIS HA WKINS, M.D. of Curzon Street, Mayfair, Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, to FIEsrEtt, third daughter of the Hon. Baron Vaughan. And, on the same day, LE MARCHANT THOMAS, Esq. only son of John Thomas, Esq. of Brunswick Square, to MARGA- RET, fourth daughter of the Bon. paron Vaughan. On the 4th inst at St. Bfarylebone Church, FRANCIS Goon wre, Esq. to ELIZABETH, fifth daughter of the late William Gosling, Esq. of Clay Hall, Herts. On the 2nd inst. LEONARD THOMPSON, eldest son of G. LoWtlier Thompson, Esq. of Sheriff Hutton Park, Yorkshire, to Miss MAR v WENTWORTH FITZ WIL- LxAm, second daughter of Lord Milton. and granddaughter of Earl Fitzwilliann. On the 30th ult. in the church of Glendennot, GEORGE HILL, Esq. eldest S011 of the late Rev. John Beresford 11111, and nephew to his Excellency the Right Hon. Sir George Fitzgerald Hill. Bart. Governor of St. Vincent's, to ELIZABETH Surma, eldest daughter of John Rea, Esq. of St. Columb's, county of Londonderry.
On the 9th Hemet Singapore, HENRY COWAN, Esq. of the Hon. East India Com- pany's Naval Service, and Commander of the ship Pyramus. On the 29th ult. at his seat at Wybrooke Park, in the county of Devon, the Right HOD. CHARLES Lord CLIFFORD. On the 30th ult. at Richmond Park, ELIZABETH Countess Dowager of PEBBROKE, in her 94th year. On the 29th ult. in his 79th year, Hueu SMITH, Esq. of Stoke House, near Cob- ham, in the county of Sunny. At her house, Leases, Yorkshire, in her 93rd year, Mrs. ANNA MARIA ARDEN, sister to the late Lord Alvunley. On the 30th ult. at Bath, the Rev. ERA:ems CORE, of Lower Moor, Herefordshire, Prebendary of Hereford Cathedral, &c. On the 29th ult. in Craven Street, Strand, Rear-Admiral GEORGE SAYER, C.B. in his 58th year. On the 3rd of December last, at Calcutta, of cholera, after a few hours' illness, JOHN SMITH, Esq. of Drongan, Ayrshire, North Britain, in his 44th year. On Slay 3, in Great Ormonde Street, in her 62nd year, SELINA, the wife of Zachary Macaulay, Esq.
At Bath, after a long illness, Vice-Admiral the Right Hon. Sir WILLIAM JOHN- STONE HOPE, G.C.B.
On the 5th inst. in his 64th year, Sir JOSEPH SIDNEY YORKE, K.C.B. Admiral of the Blue and M.P. for the Borough of Ryegate. His death was occasioned by the upsetting of about (in which the Admiral, two Captains, R.N. and another person were) in a sudden squall of wind near the month of the Southampton water, when all perished.