MAT 5.-This day the following degrees were conferred :-Baebelor of Civil Law likins, Fellow of New College. Musters of girls-it. Spry Wadham, Grand Compounder ; Rev. J. A. Harrison, St. Mary Hall ; Rev. J. Lawson, St. Alban Hall ; W. M. Harvey, and W. I). Bernard, Wadham ; F. Seymour, Christ Church • B. Jackson, Queen's. Bachelors of Arts-P. H. Symonds, St. Edmund Hall ; W. B. Dynham, and II. S. Hele, Magdalen Hall' W. L. Williams, Jesus ; R. Gray, and A. Oxenden, University ; W. G. Giles, and W. A. Bathurst, Wedliam •, H. Aulcljo, and G. A. Goddard, Brasennose ; W. W. Knighton, J. Tobin, and J. H. GI-ice, Christ Church ; J. P. Wilson, and II. C. Onslow, Demies of Magdalen ; G. Robbins,
Ilagdalen • C. Sing. Clerk of Magdalen; J. Jackson, Lincoln ; J. Stuart, Tri- nity ; Powell, and A. R. Stert, Exeter; .1. Hardy, Oriel ; G. T. Whitfield, St. John's. On Tuesday, the 3rd inst. Mr. Kettle, of Exeter College, Mr. Dobson, of Uni- versity, and Mr. Latimer, of Lincoln, were elected Lord Crewe's Exhibitioners ; and Mr. Fox, of St. Edmund Hall, and Mr. Quarmby, of Lincoln, were elected Scholars of Lincoln College. On Seturday last, the Rev. R. Briscoe, B.A. Curate of Llangollen, North Wales, waselected Scholar of Jesus College. On Thursday last, Mr. F. E. Morse was elected an Exhibitioner on the Michel's Foundation at Queen's College.
MAY 5.-On Monday lest, E. Ellice, Esq. and F. Dashwood, Esq. of Trinity Col- lege, ware admitted Honorary Master of Arts.