AMERICAN MISSIONARIES.—The following talk of some Indians of the Seneca
tribe was lately published in the Washington Globe.
" WAsnmo'rosr Cm', March 5.—We, the Chiefs and Sachems of the Seneca nation of Indians at Sandusky, Ohio, have often heard of the goodness of our white brothers and sisters in the United States, and that they have given and sent many presents of money, cloth, and clothing to us, to relieve the distress of our women and children. We thank them for their charity and good will ; but we solemnly say to them, that we have never received from them a cent of money nor any cloth or clothing. Brothers and Sisters—We speak the truth to you as it is given to us by the Great Spirit, in whom we trust and believe, and wish you to listen to us that you may no longer be in the dark. We hear that collections have often been made In all your churches for us, have intrusted them to the 5lissionaries, whom we call Black-coats, to present us. Brothers and Sisters—We ask you all, in the name of the Good Spirit, in whom red and white men believe, not to send any timing-to be given us by the Black-coats. Brothers and Sisters—We ask you to hear what we say, for it is true. We have found the Black-coats treacherous, and they deceive us. They conic among us and ask us to give them our property for saving cur souls after we die. We do not like it, for they know 130 more about the next world than we do. We think the Great Spirit will save our souls, and the .Black-coats cannot. Brothers and Sisters—How can we have confidence in men who deceive bosh you and us t We feel friendship and affection for you, and we know that you feel the same for us. We wish you to know the truth, and we tell it to you. If you send us any more presents, we hope you will send diem by honest men, who do not pre- tend to so much goodness. Christian Brothers and Sisters—We, the red children of Nawoneti, whom we call the Great and Good Spirit, who is present everywhere, now give you a talk which we hope will be long remembered by you all. Do not be deceived by the Black-coats. We believe they are sent out by the Bad Spirit to make talk to us. If the Good Spirit had sent them out, they would have given as your presents, and their talk would have made us better ; but their talks do us no good, and we hear nothing of the presents you send us. Brothers and Sisters—The Good Spirit has but one big book ; the Bad Spirit has many, very many, bookss which his white children use to deceive one another, and blind one another's eyes. The Great Spirit has, ever since the world was made, and the grass grew, laid his big book open to all men, of whatever colour they may have been, and this book tell& the truth to all, and deceives no man. Brothers and Sisters—We do not worship the good Spirit as you do, but our belief In him and our worship is sincere, and we think is acceptable to him. You do not think so. If we should send out our teach- ers of our religion to you, you would not believe them. It is contrary to your be- lief, but your Black-coats say that we must believe yours. You have your own teachers, let us have ours. We are grateful for your kindness. We should he glad to have you send persons to us to learn us how to plough, and sow, and reap, and teach us all the arts of' agriculture. This would make us happy, but the Black- coats cannot. Brothers and Sisters—This is the truth that you have not known. before. We are your friends, and wish you may not be deceived any longer.
FREIGHTAGE OP BULLION AND Jawaf.s.—The rates to be charged by commanders of ships of war, after the 1st of September next, are as follows : For the freight of Crown treasures, not exceeding 600 leagues, per cent.; exceeding 600, and not exceeding '2,000 leagues, 1 per cent.; exceeding 2,000 leagues, 11 per cent. For gold and jewels be. longing to other parties, not exceeding 600 leagues, per cent. ; exceed- ing 600, and not exceeding 2,000, 1+ per cent.; and exceeding 2,000 leagues, l per cent. Silver, not exceeding 600 leagues, I per cent. ; exceeding 600, and not exceeding 2,000 leaguesAli per cent.; exceeding 2,000 leagues, 2 per cent.
MONEY LETTERS WITHOUT DIRECTIONS.—The Duke of Richmond, in evidence recently printed, respecting post-office salaries, makes an extraordinary statement. "All will recollect the responsible situation of those men who sort the letters, and the power they have of secreting letters, and converting the contents to theirown use, which is very much facilitated by the negligence of the public. In the last year, in England alone, there were 940 letters (on an average upwardsof three a day), con- taining property to the amount of 6,6451. put into the office without any direction at all ! In addition, several bankers' letters were misdirected to the wrong town; five of that number alone containing property to the amount of 13,8331." His Grace afterwards remarks, that " the amount of money sent through the post-office is very large indeed. On one of the days of the severe fall of snow last winter, the Glasgow bag was brought into the Inland-office, and there was 12,0004, for one banker alone, loose in the bag—the letters bad got wet, and the money had dropped out !"