NOTWITHSTANDING the disadvantage which all benefit concerts have to encounter, in consequence of the absence of families from town, and the concentration of public attention on one object, Mr.' concert, on Tuesday morning, was numerously attended. This distin- guished performer habitually displays industry and exertion in the getting-up of his selection. His activity is not always well-directed ; but it is preferable to the sluggishness of some professors, who seem to act upon the principle that any thing will do for a benefit con- cert. His own playing was the principal feature in the scheme ; and, although somewhat too often introduced, and too much protracted, it is always a treat of no common order to those who can appreciate its ex- cellence. Ronan was the chief vocal attraction ; and we confess that, in the concert-room, he disappointed us. His song, an aria by Suns- KONDI, was as meagre a composition as we ever heard ; and his incessant alternations of forte and pianissimo reminded us of the use which an unskilful organist would make of his swell-pedal. Ile long to hear him encounter some classical song ; and we hope that, it the next Philhar. monic, this wish will be gratified. The Fantasia Concertante, for voice, harp, horn, and pianoforte, ought to be scouted by all singers. The idea of lowering the supremacy of the human voice to the level of a mere instrument, is so absurd, so degrading, that it is surprising a singer can be found to submit to it. We blushed for English music, seeing HUM- ISEL and several foreign artists in the room, that the only specimen of its school was a trumpery ballad of Mr. A. LEE. Surely this cannot be an act of "malice aforethought" on the part of Moseneuts, in order to hold us up to the scorn and derision of his countrymen. Mr. Boma played a clever fantasia on the flute : his execution is neat, but his tone wants the brilliancy and the power of NICHOLSON'S.