The opening of the month is distinguished by the commence-
ment of a new Magazine, called the Metropolitan, under the editor- ship of Mr. T. CAMPBELL' who has seceded from the New Monthly. We adhere to our general proposition, that the day for Magazines• is departed ; but if a Magazine is to succeed at all, it is probable that the weight of the name of the author of the Pleasures of Hope may go a great way : but the .poet is greatly mistaken if he sup- poses that Gertrude of Wyoming will sell dissertations on the po- sition of the ancient Tarshish. A union of very clever men may produce a work that people must buy, and such men are likely enough to join under the banners of a name that adds lustre to periodical literature : if they do thus join, the Metropolitan will suc- ceed—if they do not, it will fail. Tile First Number of the Metropo- litan is a good first number (which is usually a bad specimen) : but it is not far, if at all beyond an ordinary New Monthly under Mr.. CAMPBELL'S former management. There are some papers, of which, however, we think highly, and, what is more, which will interest the public. The ground on which Mr. CAMPBELL starts is independence. —it is the ground on which we ourselves stand, and we heartily wish him success : if we can lend him a hand, he may rely upon us. His intentions are good, his public views liberal, his spirit ener- getic and manly. He is now freed from the shackles of which he has so grievously complained—let us see what he can do.