Coventry, 5th May 1831.
Mn. EDITOR—As a brother spectator of passing events, I cannot but address you upon the subject of the late contest for the representation of the city of Coventry. We have seen that which I believe to be a solitary instance among the numerous struggles which have been carried on, and are still existing, viz.—three professing Refinmers in the same field ; the result of which has necessarily been, that one supporter of the King and his People has been lost to the country. In your election- notices of last week you say, " Mr. Eyler, an account says, having re- fused to pledge himself to the whole Bill, will he replaced by Mr. H. L. Bulwer." Now, would you believe it, Mr. Editor, not only had Mr. Fyler so far satisfactorily pledged himself to the whole Bill to Mr. Ed- ward Ellice, as to induce that gentleman to propose a coalition with him against certain nominees of the Marquis of Hertford, but likewise so as to satisfy the Reforming portion of the Coventry community, that Mr. Fyler's health was drunk in conjunction with that of Mr. Ellice, at most of the clubs in Mr. Ellice's interest. What, then, perhaps you will ask, caused Mr. Ellice to enter into a coalition with Mr. Bulwer, who absented himself at the second reading of the Bill ? and what caused the Reformers of Coventry to elect such a doubtful friend, and to eject Mr. Fyler, who had been tried, proved, and approved ? To the first we may probably answer—Mr. Eyler would not consent to coalesce without first ascertaining the feelings of his supporters in Coventry. To the second we may reply, that dirty trickery was resorted to, and blinded the eyes of the voters. The author of the trickery is well known, and will doubtless receive that well-merited Scorn and contempt of the honest and independent freemen which he so richly deserves.
Mr. Eyler retires with the marked approbation of at least 1150 voters, who gave, generally, plumpers ; and as he stands pledged to renew time contest as soon as an opportunity offers, they, together with all those whose eyes are not closed against truth and fair dealing, will, doubtless, restore him to the House of Commons, from which he has been most shamefully excluded. I remain, Mr. Editor, your constant reader,