7 MAY 1831, Page 1


THE mist which last week still partially hung over our political boriion has now cleared away. We are no longer left to conjec- ture what, may be—we can declare what is. The example set by the London election has been followed throughout the remotest corners of England. Resignation is the order of • the day with the enemies of the Reform Bill, and of Reform Bill. They now" roar

you as it were any sucking dove." Their big, manly voice, is degenerated into a childish treble. One by one the candidates withdraw, one by one their strongholds are abandoned. Where the most determined fight was anticipated, the most feeble re- sistance is made. HART DAVIS dares not even show his face

in what he had described as Tory Bristol ; GASCOYNE is fain, after a ten hours' struggle, to run away from Liverpool ; KNATCHBULL, the hero of Penenden Heath, withdraws from Kent ; FLEMING gives up Hampshire, although all the influence of the mighty and resoluteLord of Strathfieldsaye was ready to back him ; the Lancashire lads have scared PATTEN from the field ; BELL in Northumberland—in SMITHSON PERCY'S feudal province !—bears the bell no more,—he is now a cracked bell, or rather a dumb bell ; the Anti-Reform candidates who boasted so mighty things in Yorkshire, as they came like shadows, so depart, —doubting -BETHELL, bragging DITNCOMBE, WORTLEY, ;.LAS- CELLES, start back from the death-grapple that awaited them. In their very earths the old foxes have been attacked and worried: at Stamford, EXETER, at Newark, NEWCASTLE, have no longer where to lay their heads—" their own" have re- jected them. BANKES trembles in Dorsetshire ; VYVYAN quakes in Cornwall ; the family of LONSDALE gladly give up one half of the borough county to save the other. In the very few in- stances in which the Rump have succeeded, they have done so from the inexpertness and indecision of their enemies, not from their own power or wisdom. The vacillation of MICHAEL ANGELO TAYLOR has gi,v,en them a vote at Durham,—or rather, the strange folly of the electors, who, it would appear, " will be Wooed, and not unsought for won," has done so. Had there been but one man of sense and presence of mind at the hustings, Mr. TREVOR would have lost his election. True, the system has triumphed at Cambridge! He that " from seeming evil still educeth good," may turn that triumph to the good of the Church that so loudly boasts of it, but our own painful impression is, that a feW more such victories and the cause of the Church is ruined.

We now come to our figures. In our Postscript, which we keep, open for intelligence to the latest hour, we aive two tables. The first is an account current, continued from last week, of the re- turns up to this day. From this table it will be seen, that the cause of the King now stands—

For his Majesty 225 Against him 180 Majority in favour of Loyalty.... 45

The other table exhibits in little, and with accuracy, what our contemporaries have shown diffusely and incorrectly—the gain and loss of the Parliament now in the course of election, compared with the last. The result here is equally comfortable. The clear gain to the King is 41 members, which, being taken from the one side and added to the other, is equal to a gain of 82 votes for the King's cause and the cause of his People. This is a proper reply to the Royal exhortation. In most of the boroughs and cities in England the elections are now over, so that these tables exhibit not only a correct, but so far as the towns are concerned, a com- plete view. In the counties; the gain will be great beyond antici- pation • the total addition to the Reform side from England and Ireland (Scotland does not subscribe) will, we confidently trust, be nearer to 200 than 150. We need not, however, indulge in speculation, where, in a very few days, we shall have the sober guide of facts. The Tories have yet a crumb of comfort left them—" a conceit

in their misery, a miserable conceit." The new Parliament will be composed of Reformers—that is beyond a doubt. But the Re- formers may rat, as the Boroughmongers have done betbre them ! " by no means would be understood," says the Post, the Coryphaeus of the Rump, " to applaud fraud or tergiversation ; but when men have once consented to place themselves in a situation in which they must either disappoint the wishel, the mistaken and ephemeral wishes, per- haps, of their immediate constituents, or become parties to the ruin of their country, we can have no hesitation in saying that the former alterna- tive ought to be preferred."


APPLEBY.—Colonel Lowther was at Kendal on Saturday ; when he made an offer to the Liberal Committee, either to withdraw from the county, or that his brother should do so, provided they would consent to return Mr. Carus Wilson, of Castieton ; but they sent the Colonel word that they 'thought Mr. Wilson, De possible, as had as himself. Crackenthorpe's adiiresses are out. Mr. Crackenthorpe was a firm sup. porter of Mr. Brougham when he opposed the Lowthers. AYLESBURY .—A young peer, Lord Kirkwall, heir of the earldom of Orkney, has started in opposition to Lord Nugent and Sir. Rickford.

The Aylesbury electors have hitherto returned their two members free

of evtry expense, and can soon give a good account of Lord Kirkwall, if they like to exert themselves. Lord Kirkwall was described by his

nominators as a true friend to the King and Constitution. This is an

old way of describin;,' the thing. Dr. Lee, of the Consistory Court we suppose, seconded Lord Kirkwall's nomination, and went over all

the old rigmarole against the Bill, which Sir Charles Wetherell had done before rather more humorously. The candidates then addressed the meeting. Lord Kirkwall declared all the supporters of the Reform Bill to be dishonest persons. What a nation of rogues we must be ! Lord Nugent pertinently asked the slip of Scoto-Irish nobility, if he thought William the Fourth dishonest, for he happened to be tho:

warmest supporter of the measure. The numbers at the close of the, first day's poll (yesterday) were—Nugent 111, Rickford 178, Kirkwall 82 ; the last wholly pocket votes of Lord Chandos.

BA:so:Ia.—The interest of the Marquis of Bute is annihilated ! Mr. Easthope (lately the member for St. Albans), who was many years ago

connected with Banbury, has been declared duly elected. The greatest order was preserved during the polling. The way to the poll was per-: fectiv open; and yet, such was the immense moral excitement that pre-

vailed, that however the majority of corporators might be bound to the patrons of the borough, or attached to their present system of corporate

privileges, they were unable to contend with the universal feeling of a whole people, or endure the heartburnings that would have been attend- ant on their rejection of the wishes of all their neighbours. Six of them

declared for independence ; and the Bute party, having polled two votes, gave in with the best grace they could. The names of the six indepen. dent voters are—Mr. T. Brayne, Mayor ; Mr. Robert Brayne, Mr. Judd, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Salmon, and Mr. Edmunds. An unfortunate event took place early in the morning, about three hours before the election commenced. It had been given out by two of the Magistrates, one of whom was in the interest of Colonel Hutchinson (the Marquis of Bute's candidate), that the Colonel's friends declined coming to a poll. Shortly after, notwithstanding, the unpopular candidate made his ap- pearance, and proceeded round the town to call on the electors. The populace, finding they had been misled, were agood deal incensed ; and some of them surrounded Colonel Hutchinson in a very rough manner.

In the course of a minute or two, the Colontel was keeping off the po- pulace with a dagger which he had drawn from his pocket, and which he was flourishing. The Colonel was rescued by some of Mr. Easthope's friends, who saw him safe over the canal, and on his way to the seat of Mr. Carter, at Edgcott. We are happy to hear, that although blows were struck on both sides, and a few stones thrown, no serious injury was done to Colonel Hutchinson, or to any one with ciim. No ill-feeling seemed to remain in consequence of this incident ; as the same Alderman who accompanied Colonel Hutchinson during the whole time, returned into the town, and nominated and supported the unpopular candidate at the hustings, without any other molestation than hooting.

BEDFORDSIIIRE.—The candidates, tire Marquis of Tavistock and Sir Peter Payne, have been everywhere received with great cordiality. The

election commenced on Thursday. Mr. S. Whitbread, the High Sheriff, opened the proceedings on the hustings in St. Peter's Green. The three candidates were then put in nomination, and severally addressed the

electors. Mr. Stuart, the Rump candidate, professed himself a Reformer to a certain extent; but pledged himself, if again elected, to vote against any diminution of the number of English representatives. [Who will make the General's motion next The show of hands was about three to one in favour of Tavistock and Payne, but a poll being demanded on behalf of the other candidate, an adjournment for that purp,cle-Pok-: place till yesterday morning. There were several ladies on the htiStifigii2c among whom were the Marchioness of Tavistock, Mrs. Whitlr.st ' Mrs. R. Stanhope. The numbers on the poll yesterday wer :•••74 645, Payne 609, Stuart 374. ri. Bsaitsnium.—The meeting for the nomination of the candhlites, this county took place at Reading on Wednesday. The DOI Wei was accompanied by Mr. Dundas and Mr. Throckmorton, the aides Mr. Ramsbottom, Sir Francis Burdett, Mr. Monck, and sev gentlemen. As soon as he entered the County-hall, he an 12:5-.>` the meeting that he had received a communication from 1111., stating that he did not intend to stand for the county on th-liteti-;-- occasion. Mr. Dundas was proposed by Mr. Ramsbottom. Mr. Ramsbottom said—" Although the battle was over there, it was still raging in neighbouring counties, and he recommended the free-

holders of this county to go forth, and to use their utmost efforts to get

such members returned, and such only, as would give their votes for the whole principle of the great measure of Reform. It was well known to

them, that for a length of time the Commons House of Parliament had not the confidence of the people of England ; seats had been bought and sold like any other commodity of traffic; it was notorious that more than one third of the members of the house were returned by less than one hundred individuals of an overbearing oligarchy. Was it right that such a state of things should exist ? Look at what was going forward in other countries. Look at the Continent. The potentates of Europe were tottering on their thrones. The haunts of despotism shook in their inmost recesses. Let not England then become a prey to anarchy and confusion ; but let her support the measure of the King and his Ministers."

It had been intended that:11r. Palmer should second this nomination, but that gentleman not making his appearance, Mr. Wheble performed

the task. Mr. Dundas, in al1n,inn to a remark that hail fallen from fir.

Ramsbottom, said—" He believed he was the oldest Reformer in Eng- land. Ile had supported Mr Wyvill's great Yorkshire petition in 1780.

Ile had always been a decided Reformer ; he had been nine times re- turned for this county, and all that time he had not only professed, but shown, the greatest zeal for Reform—a question which had never had fair justice till the present opportunity. Any man who had supported Refinm so long as he had done, could not but know that Reform teas impossible, unless the King, the Government (that is, his Administra- tion), and the people, joined together in carrying that great measure. not period had non, arrived ; the three powers had joined together; and the whole kingdom had resolved that that measure of Refum should be adopted, which, be believed, would give satisfaction to the whole country." Sir Francis Burdett nominated Throckmorton ; and in doing so, he paid a high compliment to his uncle, Sir John Throckmorton,- " that venerable, and venerated, and valued individual, who, long as he had lived, by all the means in his power, and under all the disadvantages under which he laboured, — and, thank God, no one now laboured under them,—had never ceased togive the aid of his utmost exertions, disin- terested as they were, to the great cause of honest freedom." Sir Francis said, " The only question now was, not whether there should be a vic- tory or no victory, but whether the victory should be more or less resplendent. This was the last time they would be called upon to show their patriotism, at least in an equally conspicuous point of view: for when there was a House of Commons, in which they should be re- presented, as they would be under the Bill, whatever discordant views might exist, as they always would exist, respecting particular public measures, there would be an end for ever of all dishonest collisions—there would be an end of all disputes between man and man, except rational and amicable discussion concerning the best mode of ejecting what the public in- terests demanded. General Gascoyne had obtained a victory over the King and the People by means of the Boroughmongering faction and a packed House of Commons a he had obtained a victory over us all, and they therefore owed a debt of gratitude to their great and magnanimous Sovereign, for not succumbing under that defeat, and for calling upon the constitutional aid of the people of England. This victory of General Gascoyne—the only victory, by-the-by, he had ever heard ascribed to that General, such as it was, had been matter of great exultation by the minions of corruption in the House of Commons. They little thought that that victory would, by the goodness of Providence, in ;sustaining the resolution of our excellent King, be converted into a defeat, and that their triumph would be changed into mourning."

Mr. Monck, in seconding the nomination, stated the claims of Mr. Throckmorton to the acceptance of the freeholders. " He was the heir- apparent to a large estate ; he was the representative of a most ancient family ; and he was the nephew of that great and good Sir John Throck- morton who was dear to all who knew him from the liberality of his principles. He had come forward in the most gallant manner at the call of his Majesty to present himself to the consideration of the people,—he had come forward to tender to the freeholders of Berkshire the vigour of his youth, in order to enable them to answer nobly, as they had done, to the call of the King and of the Ministers in support of Reform. The great object of the Bill was to extinguish the rotten, depopulated, and decayed boroughs, which were the bane of the country, and to transfer the seats so vacated to more wealthy and more populous places. Mr. Throckmorton would pledge himself in the strictest manner to maintain and support the measure which they all had at heart, and to vote for the Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill.' " Mr. Throckmorton made a plain, sensible, and well-considered ad- dress. There was, he said, but one question—that which now agitated the empire from one end to the other, which could have induced him to come forward in opposition to such a man as Mr. Palmer. And standing so high in the estimation of the county as Mr. Palmer did, what greater triumph could there be for the cause of Reform, than that so humble an individual as himself, almost unknown to the county, merely coming forward with the Reform Bill in his hand, should meet with so cordial and flattering a reception from the freeholders of Berk- shire ? Mr. Throckmorton then alluded, with much modesty, to the conduct of Mr. Hallett, who had resigned in his favour, transferring all his influence to him, though possessed of claims much higher than his own. He went to declare himself an uncompromising advocate of the great measure of Reform which his Majesty's Ministers had proposed to the country. "Not one iota, not one tittle less of Reform would lie con- sent to accept. (Cheers.) A plan of Reform had been offered to the acceptance of the country; upon that plan the King had appealed to the country ; the country had responded nobly to the King's appeal—the country had shown itself satisfied with that plan, and it was that plan and its principles that he now came forward to advocate, to maintain, and to support"

• On the subject of Slavery, a question had been put to the previous speaker, to which the young candidate took occasion to revert. He said—" He was well aware of the interest which many persons took in that question. He had said the slave-trade, but in saying so he had been wrong—he meant the abolition of slavery. He hoped that slavery would soon be abolished. He knew that the slave-trade was declared illegal, but the results of that trade still remained to be abolished. It would be absurd and ridiculous for any matt in England to rise and advocate the cause of slavery. He hoped that

they would all live to see every trace of it abolished in the British do- minions. He hoped that, with a proper regard to the property of the West Indian interests on the one side, and to the sufferings of the miserable slaves on the other, some measure would speedily be devised to set that question at rest for ever. A notion had gone abroad, that both the Government and the Parliament of the country were tardy in settling that question. For his own part, he thought that they were. If he should have the honour of being returned as their representative to Parliament, he would promote, in every way that he could, the gradual and total abolition of slavery."

I r. Harris, the gentleman who had interrogated Mr. Dundas, was not satisfied with this plain statement, but wished for something more ex-

plicit. This introduction of a question, not unconnected, certainly, with Parliamentary purity, but of a very subordinate nature compared with the great one which is now in a prosperous course of settlement, again

called forward Sir Francis Burdett. Sir Francis appealed to the sense of the freeholders against such inconsiderate interruptions, in one of those powerful, straightforward addresses, which he can so well make when strongly enforced. We give it entire, because the sentiments may be applied i u other places as well as in Berks. " It is a great pity, I think,

said Sir Fraucis, " to mix up any other with the great and important question that is now on trial,—a question which, as Lord Grey has

stated it, is 'representation or nomination,' the Bill or no Bill at all. (Cheers.) Whether a candidate will or will not. support.that Bill, is at present the only important question,—the only question, at least, which it is necessary to put to a candidate. At such a moment as the present, with such a struggle before us, all time is precious. Let us not now misapply ours. We shall have plenty of future opportunities for dis- cussing other matters ; and let us not therefore trouble ourselves with any other until this matter of Reform is settled. Let us do nothing which may risk the disturbance of that unanimity which ought to prevail among us all at this time. (Cheers.) The honest freeholder is, I doubt not, influenced by a praiseworthy indignation, which I hope we all en- tertain ; yet he has suffered himself, I think, to be led away somewhat by his feelings. There is no comparison between the slavery in the West Indies and the boroughmonger usurpation. The boroughmonger usur- pation is a flagrant crime, known to and punishable by the statute law of the country ; it is, in fact, little short of high treason. (Loud cheer- ing.) West Indian slavery, atrocious as it is, and loudly as it calls for redress, has unhappily been legalized. Yes, those boroughmongers whose odious and ignominious yoke we are now shaking off, have justi- fied West Indian slavery, as far as acts of Parliament can justify such a disgraceful system ; and have established, by a series of legislative enact- ments, such a state of things in the West Indies as is now very difficult to be removed, if we consider only the happiness and the welfare of the slaves themselves. I hope that you will not lose sight of this difference be- tween West Indian slavery and the boroughmongering usurpation ; I hope you will see that the former is not a question of slavery or no slavery,— for upon such a question no Englishman can for a moment hesitate ; but that it is a question which involves considerations of practicability and of prudence, those considerations being always had with a view to the extinction of slavery ; and, consequently, that it is a question, which, if you have the condition of the slaves themselves at heart, you must approach with calmness, and not suffer yourselves to be hurried away by your feelings, and by that natural and praiseworthy indigna- tion which must be excited in the breast of every freeman when he con. templates a system fraught with inhumanity and with the most atrocious injustice. With these observations, let me entreat you to dismiss from your minds for the present this and all other subjects but the one great subject which now absorbs the attention of the country. Keep your eye upon the enemy, and do not be diverted from the pursuit. Think how happy the Boroughmongers would be if they could sow the seeds of dis- cord among you by means of the slave-trade, or any other matter ;- think how they would exult, how lustily they would halloo you on, if they could but start you another hare to hunt, and divert you from your run after Reform. I am now about to take my leave of you, in order that I may endeavour to advocate in other places that which you have so nobly come forward to support in this county ; and I take leave of you in words which I entreat you to bear in mind—Keep your eye upon the enemy, and do not take rt (!fie hint until you have fairly and completely triumphed over him, and can exalt with as much security as pleasure in certain and not-to-be-reversed victory."

The question of the nomination was then put to the meeting, and re- ceived with acclamation ; and thanks being voted to the High Sheriff for his excellent conduct in the chair, the meeting was adjourned to the Shire-hall, Abingdon, on Monday next at ten o'clock ; when the election will take place. We have devoted considerably more space to this meeting than we can to many of a similar kind, principally because it is the first instance in which a Roman Catholic gentleman has come forward as a candidate for the representation of a numerous and respectable English constitu- ency. Nothing can more convincingly show the decay of prejudices long entertained by the ignorant, and carefully fostered by the knavish, than the honest and warm feelings of affection and respect with which, now that the abominable legal disabilities are removed which so long shut out the virtues of our Catholic brethren from the public service, Mr. Throckmorton, a candid and liberal adherent of the once dreaded Church of Rome, has been greeted by the sound-hearted Protestant yeo- men of Berkshire.

BEERALSTON.—The farce of election at this place surpasses in gross- ness the exhibitions in most other close boroughs, even Gatton and Old Sarum not excepted. The election on the present occasion took place on Monday. The following was the motley array of voters—John Jones, Esq. Lincoln's Inn, London ; William Foote, solicitor, Devnoport ; Reverend Corydon Luxmoore, Bridestow ; Captain Lowe, R.N. Ply- mouth • Samuel Kerswell, surgeon, Devonport ; Joseph Dawe, yeoman, TavistOck; R. W. Reed, yeoman, Buckland; J. Hodder, yeoman, Buckland; George Luscombe, yeoman, Buckland. Those voters all agreed in stating, that they had paid 3d. per annum, or more, ancient. burgage-rent, to the steward of the lord of the borough.; and that they had been admitted as ancient burgage-tenants r.t the court of the said borough. They declined stating the name of the steward to whom they paid their rents, or when they paid it, or to produce any recei; is or title- deeds. They all, except one, declined stating where their property was situated : that one was Mr. Foote, who described his as being in Para- dise.

Beeralston, including Beerferris parish, is stated in the Returns to contain 2190 inhabitants ; but it is said that the populatioe has greatly decreased since 1821. One of its late modest and respectable members stated the borough to contain above 2,000 inhabitants !

eleCt.:!i• Of this seat of pay and principle arks us, in a • letter dated Aldersente street, to make the amende houerittle for our state- ment of last week. We do not know what aniende this snonymous vindicator of the pure borough of Beverley would have. We stated no more than was announred at a public meeting during last election by Mr. Hume ; whops:ye liar time truth of his announcement the lest possible evidence, for he read it from a hitter written by the purists themselves. Our correspondent mly apply for his amen* honorGhle at No. 6, Bry- anstone Square, whose c e dare say he will get the amen* he deserves.

Boseose—Some disturhanco took place at the Boston doe: ion, which a correspondent of the nisee ins/ Port has described in very awful terms. " On Wednesday morning.," lie says, "a In'ob of the Lens (Wilke), headed by thirty lila ekguards, u'ith drawn knives. pursued Mr. Maleolm's party, teov.- their colours, and eta and tore them to pieces ; their canduet continuing to increase in Open insult and outrage during the whole day. Mr. Malcolm and a porty of gentlemen were dining at tl:e house of Thomas Broughton, Esq. one of the Aldermen ; when, in the evening, a mob that could not he lessthan four thousand in number, commenced a desperate smack on the premises, erne,/ with knives and pistols, besides stones and other missiles; demolishing instanter the whole of the dimming and drawing-room windows, destroying the wood work, and smashing every window in tl:e house. The most violent attempts were made suc- cessively to force them doors, during which the parties inside were arming to defend their lives, xvith pistols, carbines, &c., and furnishing the ser- vants with pitchfork's and such other weapons as they could command." The siege Of the house continued an hour ; and when the mob with- drew, they placed—what does the reader think ?—videttes ! to watch Mr. I'llalcolnes motions. We think picquets would have answered quite as well. Next day, the mob not having caught Mr. Malcolm, notwith- standing. the preeautise of the videttes, proceeded to beat his voters ; and 310t satisfied with that, to parade about the street with highly emblema- tical flags !—" In front were borne a wooden gallows—the 'figure of a megro—an effigy of a clergyman of the establishment, with Jack Ketch, a bible, a figure of a mein, &e.—(this indecent exhibition was mostly arranged by Noble, the Sectarian bookseller, with some of the Dissenting clergy !) and these insignia were succeeded by, first, a tricolour flag, then

flags, mottos, The King and the People !' Death or victory.'" The issue was, that all the windows were broken, and Heathcote and Wilks were returned ; Mr. Malcolm having run away, carrying with him the wooden gallows and one of the videttes.

BUCKINGILIMSIIIRE.—No dispute has taken place in this county for thirteen years past; the last was in 1818. The present candidates, it is known to our readers, are the late member, the Marquis of Chandos, heir of the house of Buckingham, and head of the bit-by-bit Reformers, the Anti-Catholics, and the Anti-Abolitionists; Mr. John Smith the banker, late member for Chichester ; and Mr. Pascoe Grenfell, who was a well-known and mast active member of Parliament previous to the dissolution of 1826. Mr. Grenfell is wisely determined to incur no expense. The cause of the public ought to be supported by the public. Whether the public of Bucks will have virtue enough to do its duty is not yet very apparent, notwithstanding the decided tone of the previous announcements. The election began at Aylesbury on Thursday. The Marquis of Chandos, in addressing the electors, professed himself "a friend to Moderate and Constitutional Reform. (A freeholder, "Ay, but where is your plan of Reform ? we should like to know it.") The difference between him and his opponents consisted in degree rather than in principle. Ile was for extending the elective franchise, giving representatives to large and populous places, and disfranchising every borough that should be proved to be corrupt. He approved of many points in the Reform Bill, and had no doubt, that on the reassembling of Par- liament, a bill might be framed such as would meet the approbation of Constitutional Reformers, of whom he was one. A violent clamour had been raised against him on the subject of the slave question ; but most ungroundedly, for he told the electors, as an honest man, that he was for the abolition of slavery. He asserted that the charge adduced against him of being a friend to slavery was unjust, false, and diabolical. He was equally disposed to do his duty both by Weeks and whites." [It is due to the Marquis to state, that on every division that has taken place on the question, he has voted against the Abolitionists. We cannot stop to inquire whether this is doing his duty equally to blacks and whites, or not—it is what he has done.] He concluded his address by stating, that he had nailed his colours to the mast ; by which bit of grandiloquence is meant, we suppose, that, like Mr. Tyrrell, he will keep the poll open to the last legal hour.

Mr. John Smith said—" He should not have appeared before the electors, had he not been summoned by a real and spontaneous call, of which, in the face of heaven, he solemnly asserted, he was ignorant until the papers containing the requisitions were put into his hands. He was one of those who would have died upon the spot rather than not answer such a call. He eulogized Ministers for goingto the root of the evil, and proposing a plan of Reform which, he contended, inasmuch as it applied to the abolition of one class of boroughs and to the reduction of repre- sentatives in another, was absolute perfection. There might be some minor details that admitted of modification ; but from the real principle of the Bill—that of giving to the freeholders and householders of Eng- land the right of choosing their own representatives—there could be no departure."

Mr. Grenfell declared, that " the present was a subject on which all private feeling must give way to public duty ; and if his own brother were at that moment a candidate for Bucks, and opposed to Reform, he would vote against him. The Noble Marquis had told the electors (and he was not the only Tory candidate that had done the same thing, or it seemed now that all people had become Reformers) that he was a Constitutional Reformer. Mr. Grenfell's notions and construction on ale sulsjeet of Parliamentary Reform were all comprised in the Bill of Lord John Russell. He expressed his adherence to it because of tier destruction, annihilation, and disfranchisement of sixty rotten boroughs?, and the diminution of representatives in certain other boroughs, which it might not be amiss to call half rotten. That was one of the great feet: Ares and nut in principles of the Bill,—would the lemlile Lord vote against asst part ? Was he prepared to support it ? Another important part of time no,A- sure consisted in the extension of time elective franchise to five hundred thousand individuals at present destitute of the privilsge. Those were elze great features of this healing and comprehensive measure. It was. en- necessary to go into time details. Ile had come forward certainly in very different way from eand tl a tos generally. lie had determined, anki should not swerve from the resolution, neither to eneumber himself no-: ruin his family by incurring. the expense of au election contest. Ne.-er- theless, it was his limn determination not only to proceed to the pall, bet to :continue On his own principle to take that pill as long as it should be the pleasure of any one of the persons interested to keep it open.

The result of the first day was not encouraging to the Re:orresw.-

The numbers 410 ; Smith, ; Grenfell, 11G.

The people of Bucks speak of pocket votes being poked, amid emps sfe mein, to messment for the Marquis's and Mr. Grenfell's flit the poll. and proem se mighty things in future. _Marquis is rich and liberal, and Mr. Grenfell is it man of •s• • s will nom ho made the fool of eatin.: and gitzzlin:,. electors ; the (•h. ctr,7.; of Bucks will shout and burn effigies, hut tl:ey like eating and gun.. better than either noise or heat. Ti a' Marquis, we doubt not, will be. returned, and the county will be despised of all men who hate parade without principle.

Cesumenesc liesnemestess—The gentlemen and clergymen of this Uni- versity have determined to display their afrectiou for hunffile merit ar conspicuously as Oxford had previously done. Oeford threw out Sir- Robert Peel, and took in Sir Robert Inglis ; Cmabridge has throwss out Lord Palmerston and Mr. Cavendish, and taken iu Mr. Goulbere and Mr. Yates Peel. Time Alum Metres, it must be confessed, hare a knack in sinking, which is quite felOtons. As Foist:Ss:lye irreverently, "An the puddle were as deep as 11—, they would to the bottom." The only misfortune is, that, deci, as time puddle is, there is a bottom, and they have readied it. If the f(:ur choice specimens which now re- present the learning and piety of the kingelem should rat—two of thens have ratted before—where will the Ceivessi tee get another four ? They really should have considered this lefere Cisy gut quite so far down. The contest ended formally yesterday ; rut it was virtually ended the clay it began. The members at tin doss stood- Goulburn 806, Peel sea, PalmerStun Cavendish 610. They make no speeches at Cambridge. The clergymen throw up tiesjr shovel hats, and our Tory contemporaries are in ecstacies. God heir them both to more prudence ! It will be well if the remembrance d. yesterday's; doings die with the struggle which they ended.

Yesterday at twelve o'clock, when Messrs. Peel and Gonlburn had been declared duly elected, the candidates retired to their Committee- rooms: time successful ones were hissed vehemently, and partially ap- plauded ; the unsuccessful, particularly Cavendish, most fervently cheered. Shortly afterwards, Lord Palmerston and Mr. Cavendish left the town ; the populace took the horses from the carriage of the latter, and drew him out of Cambridge amidst deafening amelamations. When Sir John Copley and Lord Palmerston stood against Goulloaram and Bankes in 1826, Lord Palmerston was returned lay the majority of 030, being one more than Mr. Cavendish's minority in the present election ; and in 1829, Mr. Cavendish was returned against Mr. Danker by 609, being one less than Lord Pahnerston's present minority. The following list shows the state of the pull as respects the Pre- fessors

For Rtylo.in aatl the King.

seclir,wict;, Ccolo7y.

Pa.,.isti, Application of the Scicam:

to the Arts.

Start: e, Late.

Ilev.ett, 111 vdicinc.

Whewell, Min,ralogy.

Prynn, Political ECOUOITIF.

Barnes, Casuistry.

Pc,r tic Buroughmongrms.

Jarritt, Arabic. Las, Astronomy.

Havilanti, Physic. Lee, Hebrew. Mu-grave, Arabic. Babbagc, Mathematics. Cumming, Chemistry. Airy, Astronomy. Clark, Anatomy. Smyth, :Modern History. Henslow, Botany.

Turton, Regius Divinity.

Geldart, Civil Law.

Scholefield, Greek.

COCKERMOUTIL—Among time late returns of Mel' adverse to Reform, there is one which stands out in such a manner as not to admit of the possibility of its passing unnoticed,—we mean the return for Cocker- mouth, where Sir James Scarlett appears as the nominee of the Low.. titers. And are all his big promises come to this ? Can it he that the once burly barrister is indebted for a seat in Parliament to the progeny of Sir James Lowther, time Cumberland attorney ? There be political vicissitudes, changes of opinions, modifications and varieties of political connexion, which admit of some sort of explanation, excuse, or apology. Sir James Scarlett did his utmost in that way not long since, when, in his verbose address (for the pretended speech was never spoken) to the electors of Mahon, he endeavoured to explain to vulgar compre- hensions the delicate subtleties and ingenious varieties of his political opinions and conduct, so as to make himself out the most consistent of men, and the most hardly-judged-of by a vile censorious press and public. It would have been too long to have pursued the wily old here of Nisi Prius through all the sophistries of his tedious declamations; but we are now saved the pains. The riddle is read. Sir James !icarlett has become the nominee in Parliament of Lord lemsdale, and there is none so simple as to desire further accounts of his political princip es or character.—Morning Chronicle.

Coseneseen.—The poll at this place closed on Thursday, the third day. The result affords another triumph for time friends of Reform ; as, up to the present moment, for the last century the corporation of this town have hitherto had the newer to return their own nominee to the House of Commons. It will' lso have a most important effect on the contest for the county; if Sanderson had been triumphant at Colchester, it would have almost been decisive of the success of ColonelTyrrell.

The poll closed thus—

Harvey 616 Mayhew 598 Sanderson 523

CORNWAT.L.—Mr. Peter, who only consented to stand on the refusal of Mr. Rashleigh to be put in nomination, and this solely that the free- holders might not be kept from expressing their sentiments for want of a candidate. resigned on Friday in favour of Sir Charles Lemon, an un- compromising Reformer, whose interests he will support to the utmost, and whose large property and powerful connexions will insure the tri- runph td• Reform. Sir Charles's father represented the county previous to Sir Richard Vyvyau. Sir Richard and Lord Valletort have been can- vassing; but a trusty correspondent writes to assure us that it is " all a farce."

The addresses of Lord Valletort and Sir It R. Vyvyan will be read with no small degree of surprise. 'These worthy representatives of the boroligh faction—(after having- voted against the second reading of Lord John Russell's 13i11,---af.ter having joined with General Gascoyne and the ultra-'Tories in destroying, it)—have at length discovered, what no one else would discover for them, that they themselves are Reformers ! But do they really expect to deceive the people by such artifices ? No let them be L•Slired that the ft eeliolders of Cornwall know and appreciate both them and their professions as they deserve. The election for the comity commences on the 10th of May, and the day of &nomination is fixed fin- Thursdarthe 5t11.-11i?s[ Briton.

DENBIGHSIIMP..—A Reformer starts for this county, in the person of Mr. J. Matlock, of Glanvwern.

DLNIMI11.—Mr. Aiy(idvIton Biddulph, who represented the borough and supported the Ministerial Bill of Reform, is lauded by all ; while Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, the late county member, is loudly condemned by the whole population, with the exception of a few of his personal friends. The people took their own method of marking their sense of Sir Watkin's late conduct in Parliament. The other evening an effigy was paraded through the streets, preceded by drums and fifes, with this speech put into its mouth—" I am opposed to Reform, to the King, and the People ; I am a friend to the Boroughnmgers, and a snug place for my brother Charles." The supposed Sir Watkin was frequently pelted and shot at during its progress through the streets, and was eventually hoisted to the top of the market-cross, and burnt amidst the shouts and exclamations of hundreds of spectators.

DURHAM COUNTY.—Any doubts that were entertained respecting the intentions of Sir Henry Hardinge, have been since cleared away. On the 4th instant, Mr. Clavering, the Sheriff, received a letter from Sir Henry, stating that he deemed it 'inadvisable to disturb the county. Mr. Russell and Sir Hedworth Williamson, both stanch Reformers,

will therefore, on Tuesday, be returned without opposition. The Latest accounts state that Lord Robert has resigned.

DUR1L1M.—The return of an Anti-Reform member for this city is at- tributed entirely to the vacillating conduct of Mr. Taylor, who pre- vented another Reformer from coming into the field until it was deemed too late to oppose the Marquis's candidate, after the advantage the latter had gained in being a full week in undisputed possession of the ground. Had Mr. Taylor retired on the dissolution of Parliament, or even deter- mined to stand a contest at the eleventh hour, Mr. Trevor would inevit- ably have been defeated. The county election is fixed for Tuesday the 10th ; when Mr. Russell and Sir Hedworth Williamson, both sterling Reformers, will be declared duly elected, unless the BIarquis of London- derry should attempt to prevent their return by starting Sir Henry hlardinge, which is reported. The friends of the Reform candidates are en the alert ; and if Sir Henry should put forward his " pretensions," lie need expect nothing but defeat. If the Reform candidates be op- posed, their election will be conducted with little or no expense to them.

ESSEX.—The election for the county began on Thursday. Sir Frederick Vincent proposed Mr. Western, and was seconded by Mr. Dering; Mr. Branston proposed Mr. Tyrrell, seconded by Sir H. Smyth to Anti-catholic notoriety ?) ; Mr. Wellesley was proposed by Sir Felix Agar, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Gee. Mr. Western and Mr. Tyrrell each addressed the electors. Mr. Tyrrell said he was opposed to the Bill because " it was calcu- lated to injure the agricultural interests, to which he had been always a sincere and devoted friend. The lower classes were led away by the delusion that this Bill would operate to their good, and would afford them cheaper food and better living, but he would deny that it would be followed by any such effects. He professed himself an advocate for the disfranchisement of those corporations and of those close boroughs which had been notoriously bought and sold, but he would not go so far as the Bill did, and consent to disfranchise those corporations and those close boroughs against which no charge whatever had been brought The distress of the farmers was such, that, like a drowning man, they would catch at a straw, and that was the reason that so many of them were ready to approve of this Bill. They probably supposed that they would, in the next place, get a slice off the tithes ; but such a thing as that would benefit the landlords instead of the farmers. In those coun- tries where tithes had been abolished, a tax was levied by the Governs anent equally oppressive, imperious, and arbitrary. He complained that in the new constitution which the Reform Bill proposed to introduce, there was no outlet afforded for the representation of the colonial in- terests. He would ask whether the various colonies, whose wealth sailed up the Thames, would submit to be dictated to by such a small speck of land as this island ? He was ready to admit that there was too great a proportion of rotten boroughs; and he regretted that preceding Governments had not taken time by the forelock, by removing those blots which confessedly existed. But to any one who supported such a sweeping measure as that proposed by the present Government, he would

say, in the words of the poet-

" Because you're just, your judgment is too strong: Because you're right, you're ever in the wrong."

This gentleman, the last time he spoke in Parliament, was an out- and-out Anti, and insisted that his constituents were Antis likewise. His aristocratical principles were more tolerable, however, than his poli-

tical economy.

Mr. Wellesley was not present ; but Mr. W. Harvey, who had made a ram from Colchester, strongly appealed to the freeholders in his favour. Mr. Tyrrell (commonly nicknamed " the gallant Colonel," because he once commanded a militia regiment, now defunct) intimated his inten- tion of keeping the poll open to the latest legal period. So we shall have all the tedious farce that was acted six months ago played over again. GREAT MARLOW.—The election for the horoughcommeuced on Wed- nesday ; when Mr. Owen Williams, Mr. T. P. Williams, and Colonel Clayton, were put in nomination. Mr. Owen Williams was absent, in consequence of dangerous indisposition ; and it is rumoured that he can- not survive. Mr. T. P. Williams shortly addressed the electors ; after which Colonel Clayton presented himself to the meeting, and was some time before he could obtain a hearing, the enthusiastic shouts being fer- vent, loud, and long. At the close of the poll, on the first day, the num- bers stood—Colonel Clayton, 52; Owen Williams, 32 ; T. P. Williams 22. The last numbers were—Clayton, 158 ; 0. Williams, 164 ; T. P. Williams, 139.

HAMPSHIRE.—After all the triumphant progresses of Sir James Macdonald and Mr. Lefevre, and after all the sturdy protestations of Mr. Fleming, there will be no contest for this county. Mr. Fleming has resigned. We now almost regret that the days of election had not been postponed for another fortnight, as its that ease all the Anti-Re- formers together Would have resigned. We will not say that these poor people are afraid of their own shadows,=for they wax: so thin that we question if they cast any,—but it is obvious that they are afraid of the shadow of the people. Connected, hy-the-bv, with Hampshire, we mist not omit to give its due praise to the noble conduct of Sir Richard Simeon, who nut only sacrificed to publie principle his feelings of friend- ship towards Mr. Fleming, but cheerfully offered up his interest in the borough of Newtown on the same glorious altar.

HE REFOR DSIIIRE.—Sir John Cotterell having resigned, it is not supposed that any contest will take place in this county, but that Sir Robert Price and Mr. K. Hoskins will be returned without opposition. HUNTINGDONSIIIRE.—The election for this county commenced on Thursday. Of the candidates, Lord liiaudcyille declared his opposition to both the principle and details of the Miuist vial Bill. Lord Strathaven conceded the principle, but was hostile to the details. Mr. Rooper frankly stated that he asked the suffrages of the freeholders upon " the Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the ; " and if returned, and he found the proposed measure did not go far enough, he would rote for 071,' that did. The numbers at the close of the poll on Thursday, were—Mandeville 178, Strathaven 126, Rootr'. 270.

IPSWICIL—On the evening of Sunday, the Venus steam-boat entered the river Orwell, loaded with out-voters, who had arrived to aid the Liberal cause, even at the hazard of the loss of their franchise in future. As the boat could only approach within two miles of the town, an im- mense crowd of the inhabitants went out to meet the voters, and con- ducted them and the candidates into the town in triumph. From the great strength of the Tory party, fears were at first entertained for the result; but when the poll opened on Monday, signs of weakness pre- sented themselves. Not only were their numbers few, but the leaders of the party, by their lung speeches, showed a great disposition to delay, so that the polling did not commence till two o'clock. At the close of the second day (Tuesday), the numbers were as follows— For the King—Morrison 410 For the Boroughmongers—Fitzroy .. 317 Wason 4" Mackinnon 315 At eleven on Wednesday, the twoAnti-Reform candidates retired from the contest, and Messrs. Morrison and Wason were declared duly elected. They were chaired in the evening. Wason 4" Mackinnon 315 At eleven on Wednesday, the twoAnti-Reform candidates retired from the contest, and Messrs. Morrison and Wason were declared duly elected. They were chaired in the evening.

KENT.—In answer to Sir Edward Knatchbull's repeated declarations of his anxiety for the peace of the county, and of his attachment to the cause of General Reform (that is, no reform in particular), the good people of Chatham, on Friday last week, passed the following pithy rem- lutions—" That, inasmuch as the honourable Baronet has. declared him- self a friend to Reform, the best proof he can give of the sincerity of his opinion is to vote for Messrs. Hodges and Rider. That, as Sir Edward has declared his regret at the peace of the county being disturbed, it is recommended, as the best means of preserving it, that he should with- draw, and • he is requested to withdraw accordingly." " Withdraw, withdraw seems, indeed, throughout the county to have been the cry both of Sir Edward's enemies and of his friends. At the latest possible moment, after lingering on the limits of his snug freehold as long as hope; and much longer than decency warranted, Sir Edward has at length, multa tremens, withdrawn. The fact was formally announced on Thursday, at a meeting of the freeholders held at Blackheath, to welcoine Mr. Hodges and Mr. Rider in their triumphant progress through the

county. • Mr. Hodges having stated that a letter to that effect had been circu- lated at a late hour on the previous evening, but without vouching for its authenticity,

Mr. C. J. Centex, the Secretary to Sir Edward Knatchbull's Com- mittee sitting at the Green Man, said that he had just received a letter from the principal committee in London, confirming the communication received at Sittingbourne, alluded to by Mr. Hodges. The letter was to the following effect ; " Cockspnr Street, Thursday. " Dear Sir.—At a meeting of the Committee last night, it was decided that Sir Edward Knatchbull should retire. We have just received this account, and in case of your not having heard from them, we send this off to you. We regret this deci- sion the more, as all accounts yesterday and to-day were more auspicious.

" 13OLMESDALE, Chairman."

The reading of this letter was followed by immense cheering. Mr. Knatchbull, brother to Sir Edward, said that his brother had carefully ascertained the sense of his constituents, and finding it was against him, he had immediately.determined to give up the contest. The follow- ing circular has been addressed to the freeholders of the county of Kent : "Gentlemen—The Central Committee for conducting the election of Mr. Hodges and Mr. Rider beg to acquaint you, that Sir Edward Knatchbull has thought proper, on the advice of his Committees, to retire from the contest foi the representation of the county. Our Committee, however, earnestly recommend that no relaxation should take place in our exertions till the election is finally closed, as it is just pos. sible some new candidate may enter the field. " (Signed) " C. wAvva, Honorary Secretary. "Maidstone, Central Committee Room, May 5, 1831." The contest in this county is therefore settled ; and the King has gained a steady, enlightened, and warm friend, instead of an enemy, "willing to wound and yet afraid to strike." The election comes on

next Wednesday, and will of course be undisputed. • • - •

LANCASHIRE.—Mr. Wilson Patten resigned on Tnesday; So that in this county ilk. the Reformers will be eleCted without LEICESTRRSEIRE.—Mr. March Philipps, of Garendon Park, has de- clared himself a candidate for the county of Leicester—a friend of Reform. Many of the leading country gentlemen have pressed him to come fcrward to represent the county. There :.re now two friends of Reform opposirg Lord Robert Manners and the Rutland interest. It is most rrobable thst the aft ir will ba decided without a contest.

Lwammoa.—If the old General mean to reintroduce his amendment, he must apply to some one of the less notorious supporters of Sir Robert Peel and Co. to lend him a seat for the purpose ; he will not move it as member for Liverpool. The election began on Tuesday ; and in the evening, when the poll closed, the following announcement met the astonished eyes of the veteran advocate for every abuse that carries the crust of antiquity on it—Evart 1384, Denison 1374, Gascoyne 405 : majority in favour of the King and the People on the first day's poll, nearly one thousand ! The close of the contest exhibited the following- Ewart 1,910, Denison 1,8Sta Gascoyne 610. The poor old General might indeed have been prepared for such a result. On his entrance into the town last week, be was received with one general hoot from its whole population. This is one of the unkindest cuts that the Rump has received. It was the Liverpool man that stopped the Bill ; it was on a debate touching the Liverpool election—a most fitting peg fur such a 'notion and such a mover—that Mr. William Buckingham Bankes hung that motion of-adjournment which stopped the supplies, and which next day stopped the Parliament. Liverpool, which had acted so important a part fur, has at length shown virtue sufficient to act an equally important part against, the Boroughmongers. It has redeemed its character front the heavy charges made against it. It will no longer be at once a puzzle and an opprobrium to the advocates of freedom of elec- tion. That foreign gentleman who was walked about by most of the speakers for and against the Reform Bill in order to give his opinion on the existing system, was at a loss with the rotten boroughs, but he must have been infinitely more at a loss with some of the open ones. What could he say to the city which produced such a man as Roscoe, and that had skill to select for its members Canning and Huskisson, lavishing personal honours on a man with just sense enough to qualify him for acting as a tool to the miserable faction of the Boroughmongers in their extremity ? As a matter of taste, the greatest commercial port of the world was called on to relieve itself from the contempt of being so repre- sented ; it had a right to talent even if it had been prepared to dis- pense with principle.

Luntmee—This borough has shown an example which we almost re- gret none of its ancient and rotten compeers will have an opportunity of imitating. The select chose, of course, the parties whom the noble house of Powis may see fit to recommend ; and had the noble house of Powis sent down a couple of black felons, it would have been equally obeyed. When the select proceeded to choose their member* the towns- people also proceeded to choose theirs. Two chairs and a pair of maces Were provided, with banners handsomely embellished, anal having suit- able mottoes. A great portion of the inhabitants assembled in the centre of the town ; three of wlenn, imitating certain officers, opened the pro- ceedings by lamenting they could not, through usurpation, answer the call of their good King ie the more regmlar way. Two knights of the soot-bag, ,dies chimney-sweepers, were theu proposed as "fit and proper persons to represent those hitherto unrepresented loyal sebjeets in the borough of Humbug," and they were elected unanimously. The knights of the scot-bag addressed the meeting, declaring they should not follow the example of predecessors who had so grossly abused their trust by aiding public measures that had produced overwhelming taxation, a corrupt, pensioned, overhearing aristocracy, a ruined trade, and tins paralleled distress in the country ; but should join his most gracious Majesty and his Ministers in all their laudable measures of reformation. The elected then majestically ascended their chairs, and, accompanied with a band of music, were carried triumphantly through all the streets of the town, making appropriate speeches in each upon the necessity of Reform, and upon supporting the best King that ever reigned in Eng- land,—amidst the cheering of the immense assembly of people. The election of the knights of the soot-bag was performed about nine o'clock in the morning, and that of the Chives at noon ; the latter, when in their chairs, being honoured with the attendance before them of the blacks aforesaid, carrying banners of immense size, with the significant word "Corruption" A scene of this kind, got up at every mock elec- tion, would, by mere force of ridicule, destroy the system, even did no other power interpose.

Lrmixoros.—The election farce of this place was acted on Saturday. Mr. Mackinnon made a speech against the Bill; in which he repeated thirteen times, that every man of sense must agree with him in its con- demnation. He ought to have made thirteen speeches, in order to make up for his silence on the Bill, where there were men of sense to differ from him. Sir Harry Neale told the electors he had memorialized the Treasury for two members under the Bill ! This was the first intima- tion Lymington received of the matter.

MAIDSTONE.—The election began on Tuesday at twelve o'clock. Mr. J. C. Barnett, the son of Mr. Barnett the banker, who repre- sented Rochester in several Parliaments, has been brought forward in conjunction with Mr. Robarts, to support the King, his Ministers, and Reform ; and a Mr. Simson was brought forward by the Borough- mongers along with little Foolscap. At the close of the poll, the num- bers were—Robarts, 477 ; Barnett, 435; Winchester, 195; Simson, M. The poor little stationer is gone to pot.

-Mu.tioarin PORT. --- The Honourable S. Wortley, and Mr. Lock- hart of the Quarterly, thought to contest the place. Half an hour's can- vass, however, let them know that they had no chance. Mr. Sheil was put in nomination by the Reverend Mr. Ensor, and, with Captain Byng, was returned unanimously by the electors.

MoNmourn.— The defeat of the Oligarchy throughout the present struggle has been most complete where, judging from externals merely, they seemed most secure. Perhaps their very security proved their ruin—it made themselves careless and their friends inactive. Who could have prophesied whathascome to pass in Newark and in Stamford ? And yet these places do not present so striking an example as Monmouth, hitherto equally snug, equally close, with the snuggest and closest of the nominee boroughs, and where, up to the present occasion, no attempt to break the peace had been made. "The contributory boroughs of Monmouth, Newport, and Usk," says a letter dated the 4th, "have I hitherto been considered an heir-lomn of the house of Beaufort, and an opposition to his Grace's nominee would have been considered a factions display of. feeling ; but the measures of a patriot alieistry, backed by the firmness of a beloved King, have caused a sensation perhaps unex- ampled even in boroughs more.free. The burgesses hitherto admitted have been chosen under the immediate approbation of the Duke's agent, and their allegianee has been consideral assuredly safe. A change has now passed over their spirits ; and a laree. budy of freemen have invited Benjamin Hall, Esq , of Lanover, a steady Reformer, to stand forward in opposition to the NIarquis of Worcester, and pledgino.' themselves to return

him free of expense. M m

r. Hall ade a most Np!vildidpublic entry on Mon- day,accompaidell by Sir Thomas Sainsbury, mut a long line of countrygen- tlemen, amidst the most enthusiastic cheers of the assembled thousands. The nomination toek place on Tuesday. The number of voters is about three hundred. 2Ir. Hall is returned.

Moreruomarcsoure.—Mr. C. W. Wynn has met with a very formi- dable opponent in the person of Mr. John Hayes Lyons, n gentleman of high respectability, of great connexions in the county of Montgomery, and a Refermer. His canvass has been so successful, that there is no doubt but la' will be returned. The election commenced on Thursday.

NEWARK.—Nothing can be more delightful than the way in which the people have met their lords in the strongholds of the latter. New-

ark has been closed in by every fence which h! it and bullying could erect round it ; yet not only has the Wilde co --lidate broken them down as if they had been so many cobwebs, but he has absolutely chased the great owner of Cumber Castle from the field. The people of Newark tore the skirts from the coat of air Roger Gresley on his first appearance among them, but the electors have not left him a sleeve. " My ova`* is my own no longer! " Heads are up and Jacks are down." Mr. Handley is expected to vote for the Bill : he voted for the second read- ing, but ratted on General Gascoyne's motion. We shall mark hint doubtful ; which, in his case, and all similar ones, we would wish to be taken as tantamount to " we doubt him a little." We shall see.

NORVOLK.—There is not a more interesting subject of contemplation in England, than the venerable champion of liberal principles, old Mr. Coke, who now stands once more a candidate for this county, with a heart as warm, a head as clear, and a will as resolute as when he con- tended by the side of Fox against the unconstitutional measures of the Heaven-born Minister. Hear how this ter flinches et vo harangues his countrymen—" Aye or no is the question—now or never is the time. In the fearful crisis we have now reached, there is no issue except by Reform or Revolution. But let us Hilt deceive ourselves about the meaning of this great word Reform. It most be full and effect' or it will he worse than useless: it must he the Bill of Lord.folm l as,•1, in spirit and substance, or it will be a source of ineree ;el demand. mei of perpetual irritation and discord. In one semis, 1 am myself e eaherete Elefornter; fi.r eta.

dcrate irtrie,d is thc IA11 ,46;iiilt! compoison

Mot ,chirp umy f.e fierce as imm shwa succeed i,t cbt„‘uiny its

NORA.; IC I most t ;. ; I .1 t t1tiS place—

got up, we believe, not !,y ;II all his cc.

centricities, is a liotOiural,:!. Loc by :it r. Sadler, who, even if he had the will, Licks the rcsolua rues for such an attempt, but by the putters on of these two trumps of the Anti-Reformers—ter- minated, as every body knew it must, in the return of Mr. Grant and Mr. Gurney, by a most triumphant and overwhelming majority- As the close of the poll, the members were— For the King Grant . 2153—Gurney, 2,158 For the 13 oroughmongers, Wetherell, 9,-7—Sadler 119,644

Majority for the King . 11S

In the evening of Monday, a bonfire was kindled, which was supplierl with fuel from the purple and orange booth, every plank of which was soon brought to the flames. So universal was the feeling of disgust at the vexatious and factious opposition to the return of Messrs. Gurney and Grant, that all the clerks, and even the very hearers of the chair, to a man came forward and volunteered their services gratis.

NoaxnastProNsninn.—Lord Milton, has consented to be put in nomination. He was proposed as a candidate yesterday.

NORTHUMBERLAND.—Mr. Bell, the opponent of Lord Howick, has seen fit to resign his pretensions in favour of that nobleman, who will in consequence be elected without opposition. The intelligence of Mr- Bell's proper and prudent determination is thus communicated by to correspondent of the Globe. "Newcastle, May 1. I hasten to inform you of the resignation of Mr. Matthew Bell, as a candidate for Northum- berland. Poor Gentleman ! after enduring a thousand mortifications, he politically expired in the Committee-room this afternoon about four o'clock, to the inexpressible dismay of the attornies there assembled, abandoned by his late constituency to the gratifying retrospect of what he was, to the pleasing knowledge of what he is, and the delectable pro- • spect of what lie might have been. Poor Matthew ! ill omens crowded upon him thick and fast, from the moment of his recognition in Gates. head. The bell-ringers of that most ancient and patriotic borough, on being tendered a couple of guineas to welcome his arrival with a peal, • most magnanimously refused, facetiously remarking, the admission of another Bell would spoil their music.' Lord Howick and Mr. Beau- mont are now secure for the county, and the boroughmongering faction

defeated in the person of Mr. Bell. How has this been done ?—By energy, activity, and a determined spirit of union among all classes of Reformers, to have the Bill, and nothing but the Bill. Money has been

liberally subscribed, vehicles of every description, steam-boats, horses, all manner of facilities have been offered to the independent committees, in aid of the return of an independent man. Let other counties follow coeurrexa.rple, neither fearing Duke nor Devil, and their success is tai OXFORDSIIIRE.—The nomination took place on Wednesday. The Shire-hall was nearly filled by drunken men, who would hear nobody. The whole business of moving, seconding, and addressing by the candi- dates, passed off in dumb show. Lord Norreys was attended into Oxford principally by the under graduates: he is a very young man, and pop-

were declared duly elected. quence, to give Mr. Buller East his iailuence and vote !

tbey were unanimously returned.

Twetteoer.—The "honest and discreet" corporation of this town hare, and so charmed with Buckingham's good temper and pleasant facility of em the present occasion, distinguished themselves by rejecting Lord address, that they finished by cutting the booby lord, and heartily ap- Sandon (the son of their patron), on account of his vote for the Minis- plauding the ingenious commoner. Serial Bill of Reform, and selecting Mr. Spencer Perceval in his stead ! WOIZCESTEItSIDRE.—Every thing augurs a tremendous contest between The newly-declared members, Mr. Perceval and Mr. Ryder, the late Colonel Lygon and Captain Spencer. On the one band are arrayed member, were received with the loudest groans and hisses : and were some, four score of hired enemies, who are expending even now 1,3004 slanted on their departure from the hall with a plentiful shower of per day—great local influence, pluralist parsons, &C.; on the other, no- selt fish and similar tokens of regard ; and the man of fasting and thing but the Bill. The county has been divided into districts, and prayers was hanged and burned in effigy in the market-place, amidst every town and every hamlet in the shire has its committee in communi- eke shouts of the greatest concourse of persons ever heard of at Tiver- cation with the one in Worcester. The wealthy on the Liberal side ton. He made an immediate and hasty departure from the town, not have declared their intention to give up their carriages to the infirm and staying to partake of the usual dinner to the Corporation, which had aged freeholders, and come to the poll themselves in waggons—in this been ordered ; no solicitation could induce the churchwardens and fashion our Winningtons and Smiths, and Berkeleys, end Bearcrofts, isomers to give them the customary peal.—Letter from Tiverton. and Vernons, will lead the patriot band !

iberaggh took place on Wednesday. The members are now returned sentation of this great county have taken place ; but scarce had we time seeder the influence of Sir Ralph Franco Lopez, who has succeeded his to note one, when the next altered so completely the aspect of affairs, as wide; Sir M. Lopez. The conduct of Sir Ralph in this election has been of to render our labour useless. After all, from the latest accounts, it seems themost liberal and honourable character. The members are Sir Ralph exceedingly improbable that any contest whatever should take place. tires& andiLieutenant-Colonel IHanmer of the Horse Guards, both of One after another, the Anti-Reform candidates, new and old, have

wizen will vote for the Bill. drawn back,—first, Mr. Bethell, then Mr. S. Wortley, then Mr. Las- Wnsreereseem—The electors of Westminster were invited to as- relies, and lastly Mr. Duncombe. There now remain only the four suable on Monday, in St. James's Square, for the purpose of escorting patriotic aspirants,—Sir John Johnston, Viscount Morpeth, and Messrs. the candidates from Sir Francis Burdett's house, in St. James's Place, Ramsden and Strickland ; and in all human probability, on the day of to Covent Garden. The muster, though the day was dropping and dirty, election, none else will be forthcoming. was very strong. There could not be less than from four to five thou- sand electors ; of spectators there was at least treble that number. The SCOTLAND.

precession, with bands and banners, proceeded along Pall Mall, up St. One of the Scotch elections isover ; the notables of the Modern James's Street, and thence by Long Acre to the hustings. At the foot Athens have rejected Mr. Jeffrey, and taken a Mr. R. Dumlas. . The et St. James's Street it halted for a minute, to salute with a hearty election was on Tuesday. When the Council, the dainty 33, met, Isere the Palace of the Patriot King. The crow from twenty thousand petitions, calling on them in the most respectful terms to choose for hap at once was tremendously grand—the very sublimity of sound. member the learned and excellent Lord Advocate, were presented from Sir Francis Burdett was proposed by Mr. George Lynden, seconded the inhabitants at large, signed by 17,400 individuals, from the Bur. !lair. Carpue ; and Mr. Hobhouse by Mr. De Vere, seconded by Mr. gesses and Guild brethren of the city, from the Edinburgh Political limber Beaumont. There was a great deal of bustle and confusion Union, the Convenery of the Canongate, and from nine of the Trades sisekg the crowd, occasioned partly by the pressure, and from the un- corporations. Four petitions—one from the Merchants' Company, the - Dar among them. The University has taken up his cause, and the col- successful attempts on the part of the spectators, as well on the hustings lents have subscribed largely in his support. The results of the canvass as before them, to shelter themselves from an "even-down pour" of me most favourable to the Reforming- candidates, especially on the rain, which prevailed during the greater part of the speeches.

eserthern side of Oxfordshire. Sir Fraecis Burdett concluded his address with intimating, that even

Permoune—Harwich is not the only place where the ex-official has were it possible that the Boroughmongers should gain the majority in ocsonived to convert his patron's estate into a freehold for himself ; Sir the comities, as in the past Parliament, the fight uenthl not be eoreerr: Ceeorge Cockburn has succeeded in the same way at Plymouth. The " His Majesty had exercised one pretsesative—he had another to x action was very riotous ; and on Tuesday it was necessary to call out cise shoull it be necessary ; which was to dissolve Parliament again, the military, in order to protect Sir George from the fury of the people. mid then refuse to issue his writs to the rotten beronelts. (Loud cheers.)

Let the pe pie he united, and the King would never desert them." What hat The farce of an election," says a correspondent, will Sir Caarles Wetherell say to this:?

"and it is positively hoped for the last time, was played here on Wed- 31r. Htephouse alluded to the pruposal to raise a nennunent to the King, mesday morning." It appears that General Phipps is decidedly rejected —a propo :11 to which we have hot yet had leisure to attend, but of of the town, and, were the franchise opened to it, would not have the which we would say, with the Titres, it ought to be made by men whose most remote chance of success. Of 400 freehdlders in Scarborough and names will confer consequence on the plan, not by these who seek con- its neighbourhood, nee have declared for the county Reform candidates. sequence from it ; and he volunteered an inscription for it —" A grate- The same correspondent informs us, that we committed a mistake in fel people to a Patriot King." reporting the words of the Speaker's speech—that the expression used referred only to the Civil List Bill, and the provisions for the dignity of NVEsT 51 O 1{ %IAN tin.—Alexander Nowell, Esq. of Ulitlerley, bad been the Crown. We are happy at the opportunity of doing justice to the proposed by the Reformers of this county to a party of the supporters

of the Lewtaers, whom they had been requested to meet. This gentle- man had leen rejected by the latter ; and 3Ir. Cents 'Wilson, one of Ferameonn.—The election commenced here on Saturday. The worthy their firmest adherents, had been brought tbrward in the place of Lord

iSlayor bad contrived so to arrange the hustings, that not more than Lowther. Mr. Wilson's name was, however. so badly received by all three hundred people could assemble so as to witness the proceedings of parties, that four days after his address was published, another interview the election. On the strong remonstrance of AIr. Tennyson, and his ex.. was requested by the Lowther party ; and it was then agreed that Mr. relleut agent Mr. Parkes of Birmingham, a relaxation was procured for Nowell should be invited by both parties to allow himself to be put in nicaday. Air.. Tennyson protested against the employment of London nomination ; that the Lowthers should withdraw Mr. Wilson, and the bullies as special constables to keep the peace. The worthy Mayor re- Reformers should withdraw Ale Crackenthorp, who had consented to be zqueeted the names of the parties? Air. Parkes said, such a request was proposed, merely because no other suitable cantlidete could be found. asubterfuge ; such rascals either had no names or half-a-dozen each ; 11.1e. N.Awell has pledged himself to support the _I:Wisteria Bill of Reform. the imroduction of them was infamous, they were sworn in specially to So much for the borough county which all the eloquence of Brougham break the peace ; he pledged his reputation to the legality of inflicting email 1:0t open.

the eernmary justice Englislanen were wont to deal out it' the bullies so It ought to be added, that the London Committee are apprehensive of imported from the foulest lanes of the metropolis attempted any inter- some trick on the part of the Lowthers. They ask, it ..41r. Nowell be femme or offered insult to the inhabitants. Mr. Parkes then warned really a Reformer, why the Lowthers should prefer hint to Mr. Crack.. the Mayor, that in swearine in such fellows, he %You'd be responsible for mallorpe ? It appears that the latter gentlemen had received the most slily blood spilt ; for that assuredly, in the temper of the inhabitants, the ample essurances of support.

alr. Parkes was not deceived in his estimate of the feeling v1iidi the dates ;le re, as we steed last week, Air. P. St. J. 3I thin:ay and Mr.

,f iiie name of C 1i:united:tin, from Pimlico ; aud the gang vblig-et to tanc!L Reformers ; Mr. Elst is a bit-by-bit fragment of the Rump. At SCRILV.—The election for the county took place at Guildford on Woementee.—At the close of the poll, the numbers stood, nominally, 'Thursday. Ale Denisen was proposed by 31r. Leach ; who expressed Buckingham 139, Churchill CI, Stormont 74. As, however, very his regret that the vote by ballot and triennial elections were not in- few or the voters of the first named gentlemen were of that class which eluded in the Bill. Ale Briscoe was proposed by Mr. Norton. 31r. have hitherto been acknowledged by the returning officer, the two last Henry Drummond addressed the meeting hi a spsech which we cannot Were declared duly elected. By the charter, it is seid " tenants, resie attempt to describe, because, though we have read it three times over, dents, and inhabitants" have the right of voting, and " freemen." are . a7e profess sincerely we can neither comprehend its argument or drift. not once mentioned ; in fact, Woodstock is a potwalloping borough. On Ur. Drummond is a good man, but his head is :; strengely illogieal one. this charter, Mr. Buckingham Means to ground his appeal to a Com- We have no doubt that he thinks he is a Reformer ;—so .did the Laudi- Lame of the Ilouse. The success of that gentlemen lies been great in ceans think they were Christians ; and what the Spirit of the Churches the borough, and we are not without hopes that it will he equally great. said to them, the Spirit of the Reformers says to him—" I know thy in the House. The scene of the election is described as both interesting trorks' that thou art neither cold nor hot ; I would thou wert cold or and amusing. The Scotch Lord Stormont blustered in a most extra. hot. So, then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, ordinary style, but the opponent whom he held so cheap repaid his in- I will spne thee out of my month." Mr. Denison and Mr. Briscoe both solence with interest. A number of young Oxonians, slips of aristoe addressed the meeting. at length. It is almost unnecessary to add, that cracy, were present, to aid with their countenance the quality candi-

. dates ; but they were so ashamed of their Northern brother's rudeness,