THE KINO AND HIS Cot:RT.—His Majesty came to town on
Wed- nesday, for the purpose of holding a Levee; at which the following get: ":omen had the honour of being presented. Mr. J. Gough, by the Right Hon. the Lord Slayer, to kiss hands. Visct. Barring- ton, by the Lord in waiting. Sir It D. H. Elphinstone, Bart. by his Grace the Duke of Gordon. Rev. Dr. England, Archdeacon of Dorset, by the Bishop of Bristol. Mr. W. Lawrence, by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor,. to kiss hands. Sir H. Onslow, Bart. by Lord J. O'Bryen. Mr. Pemberton, by the Lord Chancellor. Mr• W. Ferrand, Deputy Lieut. by the Earl of Harewood. Rev. Sir H. Rivers, Burt. by the Earl of Northesk. Dlr. Langston, by the Earl of Denbigh. Mr. 1). Garrard, by the Earl of Macclesfield. Dr. Sigmond, by the Duke of Somerset. Mr. II. Hunter, of the Ninth Hants Yeomanry Cavalry, by Lieut.-Gen. Mundy. Mr. S. V. Sintees, by the Bishop of Exeter. Mr. A. Markham, by the Earl of Mansfield. Rev. B. Harding, by the Lord in waiting. Hon. Capt. Cavendish, R.N. on his promotion, by the Duke of Devonshire. Mr. Dillon, by Colonel Mercer. Archdeacon Wrang. ham, by the Archbishop of York. Col. Si. Fraser, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. F. Cooper, by Earl Digby. Mr. Copley, by Capt. Fitzclarence. Major Pratt, 4th Dra- goon Guards, on his appointment, by Sir G. Anson. Rev. G. Townsend, Preben. dory of Durham, by the Bishop of London. Colonel Grant, C.B. Madras Light Infantry, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. C. W. Martin, by Earl Cornwallis. Capt. T. Blair, Hon. East India Company's service, by Sir M. Tierney, Bart. Corn. Vin- cent, on being appointed a Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order. Rev. H. Ham- bury, rector of Hinton St. George, Somerset, by Col. Fittclarence. Petre, by the Earl of Mount Edgcumhe. Capt. Vincent. R.N. Gentleman Usher to her Majesty, on being appointed a Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order. Mr. Blachford, by the Earl of Wicklow. Lieut.-Gen. Hawker, on his appointment to the 3rd Dragoon Guards, by Col. Fittclarence. Mr. A. Barrington, by the Lord in waiting. Hon. and Rev. H. Duncombe, by Lord Feversham. Corn. F. Blackwood, on his promotion on return from foreign service, by Vice-Admiral Sir H. Black- wood. Major neatly, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Taylor. Capt. Brown, on his return from North America, by Col. Douglas, C.B. Capt. Powys, by the Earl of Denbigh. Dr. Gregory, Professor of Mathematics, Royal Dillitaq Academy, Woolwich, by Sir J. Kempt. Capt. S. G. Pechell, R.N. by the Earl of Macclesfield. Capt. Howard, by the Earl of Carlisle. Lieut.-Col. Fielding, by the Earl of Denbigh. Capt. J. H. Coffin R.N. on his return from the Mediterranean. by Rear-Admiral Sir T. Hardy. dr. Urquhart, by Sir H. Taylor. Capt. Watson, by tient-Col. Fox.
After the ceremony was concluded, the King returned to Windsor, where he and the Queen still remain.
There has been a good deal of gossip during the week touching a re- newed intention on the part of the King to visit the good citizens of London. The inditers of paragraphs in the daily newspapers went so far as to assert that the day for the visit had been fixed. First the 10th instant was mentioned, then the 17th, then the 20th. It has turned out after all, that no day was ever fixed—for the very plain reason that no invitation was ever given. The visit, it is now said, is postponed, as it was appointed, site die. Two speculations have been hazarded on the no-visit. First, the post- ponement of that which' was never determined on, has been attributed to the gout, with which his Majesty was said to be seriously affected. This theory gained extensive circulation, for it appeared on the same day that the King held his Levee. The other account was, that his Majesty had offered a list of guests to the citizens, and that they found fault with some of them; whereon his Majesty would not listen to their invitation of himself. This list of shadowy guests at hypothetical feasts, and the imagined criticism on names that were still hidden in the undiscovered future, do not require very serious notice. We pass from it, therefore, to our own theory. It is this—the Rump, It is well known, have, In Parliament and out of Parliament, publicly and privately, with much perseverance, and with that zealous disregard of truth that they ordina- rily display, held up his Majesty's Ministers as on every occasion exhi- biting the Sovereign as the approver of their party and their plans. They have complained of their unconstitutional conduct, as they call it, with a bitterness compared with which wormwood is sweet. Now, the Ministers wish not only to be right, but to appear so; and they wisely, prudently, and honourably, as we view it, determhted that the pageant; of a City visit was not advisable, while any portion of the elections were yet pending, lest their enemies might hereafter taunt them with making a parade of their Master, in order to influence men's minds respecting the elections. This is our theory.