7 MAY 1836, Page 9


Sir Hussey Vivian, the Master-General of the Ordnance, has ap- pointed Mr. Henry Watson, son of the late Fort Major Watson, to a situation in the Ordnance Department at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mr. James Brant, lately Vice-Consul at Trebizond, has been ap- pointed Consul at Erzeroom. Lord John Russell has appointed Mr. James Bury of Manchester, Superintendent Inspector of Manufactories for Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, and Northampton. Mr. Hume has addressed a letter toColonel Fairman, in reply to an application to him from that person—to the effect that theOrange cor- respondence which he read in the house of Commons was not received from Fairman ; and that he never had any communication with the Orange Secretary direct or indirect, except when the latter was at the bar of the House of Commons.

According to the Dublin Evening Mail, a deputation from the Dublin Corporation is now in London for the purpose of watching the pro- gress of the Irish Municipal Bill, and, if they should see fit, claiming to be heard by counsel at the bar, against its provisions.

The Morning Herald says, it is probable that Dr. Shuttleworth

will not have one of the vacant Bishoprics, because, though reputed a Whig, he signed an address to Sir Robert Peel on the dissolution of his Administration. If this is true, Dr. Shuttleworth ought not to be made a Bishop by the present Ministry ; at least not before Sidney Smith, Dr. Hampden, and Dr. Arnold.