Dr. Ilomfield's Plan For Building New Churches.
THE Bishop of LONDON labours under the delusion that multi- hides ale eXe uded by want of room from the Metropolitan churches. He has Lublished " Proposals for the creation of a......
Irish Poor-law Question, And Colonial Waste Lands.
THIS Irish Poor-law question is in a curious state. Ministers, who have to determine what shall be done, are pushed so hard in opposite directions, that they stand still. There......
Grievances Of The Maltese.
THE misgovernment of Malta is about to become the subject of discussion in the House of Commons. The Maltese have for years besieged the Colonial Office with complaints of......
O'connell And The Peers.
THE O'CoNsmt-phobia was strong on the Tory Peers on Mon- day night. Aceording to Lords WINCHILSEA, RODEN, and WICKLOW, the object of Government in remodelling the Irish Police......