7 MAY 1836, page 7

Ely Cv.art.

THE King and Queen an isasi it St. James's Palace on Wednesday at noon. At two o'clock the K iulg held a Levee ; which appears not to have been very numerously attended. Among......

Othatrii An Preceding/ii In Parliament. I. The Irish Police.

On Monday, Lord DUNCANNON moved the Peers to go into Corn. mittee on the Irish Constabulary Bill. Lord RODEN vehemently denounced the bill, as the most unconsti- tutional and......

In The Court Of King's Bench, On Monday, The Ipswich

bribers were brought up for judgment. Mr. Edward Bolton Finch was sen- tenced to four months' imprisonment ; Julitillurry Dasent, two months' impribonment and a fine of IOU ;......

Frbc Siirtropaitd.

The Court of Common COLIfleil assembled on Tuesday, to consider a report of the Committee on Coal and Corn respecting the Coal. trade; when, after a lengthened discussion, it......