News Of The Week.
THE Peers have postponed operations on the Irish Municipal Bill till Monday next; their head-workman not being prepared with the materials required to fill up the gap he *tends......
Othatrii An Preceding/ii In Parliament. I. The Irish Police.
On Monday, Lord DUNCANNON moved the Peers to go into Corn. mittee on the Irish Constabulary Bill. Lord RODEN vehemently denounced the bill, as the most unconsti- tutional and......
The News From France This Week Possesses More Interest Than
any received from that quarter for a considerable time. The birth- day of the King, on Sunday last, called forth the usual compli- mentary harangues to his Majesty from the......
The Expected Change In The Portuguese Ministry Has Taken...
The expected change in the Portuguese Ministry has taken place. The Duke of TERCIERA is President of the Council and • Minister of War. SILVA CARVALHO Minister of Finance. Count......
The Troubled Interest Of Affairs In Spain Continues....
has had to undergo severe attacks upon his Ministry in the Chamber of Proceres ; but his address and the " vote of con- fidence" were finally carried by a majority of 35 to 22.......