On the financial side, it is obviously impossible to comment upon the desirability or otherwise of the proposed arrangement until the full details are available, but the market has not been long in coming to the conclusion that the fusion should be advantageous to the shareholders of both companies. Lever Brothers ordinary shares are all held privately, so that there is no quotation available. In the case of Margarine Union the shares have advanced so greatly during recent months that it was only natural that the announcement of the fusion should have been followed by a certain amount of profit-taking. It is, however, significant of the favourable view which is evidently taken with regard to future possibilities that the setback has proved to be of brief duration, the market quotation of the shares at the time of writing being not far from the highest on record. Both Levers and Margarine are, of course, so "closely concerned in dealing in oils that it is felt considerable economies might easily result from the fusion.
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