Naval Reduction On Tuesday Mr. Macdonald Opened The...
in the Assembly of the League. It is worth noting that his speech was broadcast. Millions of listeners all over the world were thus made part of his audience at Geneva. The......
We Have Written In A Leading Article On The Problems
of the Optional Clause. The wording runs : " The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto further declare, on behalf of their Government, that from this date they accept as......
It Is Reasonable To Assume That The Discussions, Though...
with a determination to agree—a determination which we have no doubt will triumph—have been rather less tractable than Mr. MacDonald expected. No doubt the three outstanding......
News Of The Week Law Or War I F The Tokens
are not misleading the Government are going from success to success in foreign affairs. This is the field of their efforts about which we felt most confidence when they-were......
The Optional Clause Next Mr. Macdonald Made The Very...
state- ment that he and President Hoover were " out " not merely for agreement upon naval ratios, but for " a document which will establish peace." This possibly means a......
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