The Onlookers
Our souls must see the things forbidden By which we are beguiled ; But can it be so much as mooted That they in seeing are polluted ? For when the sun shines on a midden The sun......
Dame Henrietta 0. Barnett
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am told that a writer in the Spectator regretted that I had died last week. So I write to say that I have not been called upon to take......
Fur Farming In England
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In an article entitled " Country Life," which appeared in the Spectator of July 20th, Sir William Beach Thomas says, apropos the animals......
On a Saying of Jesus of Nazareth (Written on papyrus in the third century, and found in Egypt by Grenfell and Hunt in 1897.) Where there are two, there I will make it three ;......
Motorists And Our Hospitals
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In my native town of many industries and 80,000 inhabitants we endeavour, by generous donations, workmen's weekly subscriptions, and......
Points From Letters
EARLY CUBRING. There must be many readers of your paper, who, week by week, enjoy the notes written on the page which is headed " Country Life," but who must have read and......
The Religious Thought Of The Day.
On September 21.51 next the SPECTATOR begins publication of a series of articles on " Reunion." The idea of the series is to air the subject of Reunion in general, in view of......