In His Lecture On Progress In Literature (cambridge...
2s. 6d.), Professor Abercrombie finds it very necessary to define the exact sense of his title. He is not discussing whether literature grows better as the centuries pass ; nor......
More Books Of The - Week (continued From Page 308.) The
Howe Desirable, by P. A. Barron (Methuen; 18s.) has absorbed into its pages much old-world charm and should be in the hands of everyone who contemplates owning a house that has......
Dr. Roget's Thesaurus Of English Words And Phrases, First...
in 1852, has won a unique place in the reference libraries of writers and students of literature, and the latest edition, revised and enlarged by his grandson, Samuel Romilly......
Self And Superman, By' Mr. L. E. Eeman (christopher, 7s.
ad.), is a curious book on nervous control, relaxation, " one hundred per cent. efficient sleep," and similar subjects. It is valuable, for it contains ideas which are still new......
Mr. Walter G. Bell Has A Clear Mind And A
generous heart : he knows what people are interested in, and he tells us those things plainly, without the strain and the high-colouring that lesser writers and less learned men......