Lulworth Castle Universal sympathy has been expressed with Mr. Herbert
Weld, whose beautiful home, Lulworth Castle, was burned on Thursday, August 29th. It has belonged to the Weld family since the time of Charles I., and the park contains the first new Roman Catholic Church built in England after the Reformation. Leave for the building was given by George HI. when he stayed. at the Castle. Happily most of the important pictures, the old furniture and the books were saved. The Lut-. trell Psalter, now on view at the British Museum, and the Bedford Book of Hours, both of which, it is hoped,. will come into the possession of the nation, had been at Lulworth Castle for generations. Mr. Weld is best known to the public as the owner of a famous yacht, but his modesty conceals a distinguished- explorer and archae-. ologist, an Ethiopic scholar, and a generous donor to the Natural History Museum and to the funds of the Kish excavations.
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