THE proclamation for the dissolution of Parliament issued, as was anticipated, on Monday ; it was accompanied by the usual procla-. mation for the election of the Sixteen Scottish Peers. The writs for the new Parliament are returnable on the 29th of January. The day of nomination has, in a very considerable number of instances, been already fixed. In the course of the next week, it will be fixed for the greater part of the counties and towns of the empire.
The elections throughout the metropolis commence at one o'clock this -day. No fewer than seven nominations will have taken place before these lines have reached our nearest reader; and in three short days more the fate of fourteen of' the sixteen members. who are in the approaching Parliament to represent the." mighty heart" will be decided. To speculate on probabilities of success, when the certainty is so close at hand, would be.useless. The town is in a bustle of excitement, but unless at Covent Garden, there is not the slightest reason of apprehension to the most timorous; and even there, we have no doubt the people will do their duty; and if they do not, we hope the authorities will do theirs. On Monday and Tuesday but slight interruption can be looked for. Even London, vast as is its idle population, cannot furnish materials for a hundred simultaneous mobs, and there must be a hundred at least to supply the numerous pollingplaces With one each. Every precaution that prudence calls for will be adopted, to procure for. the electors a free access to.and a safe return from the several booths ;. but we have no doubt that both will be amply secured by .thO good sense and good nature of the metropolitan populace.