The Army.
WAR-OFFICE, Dee. 4.—Royal Regiment of Horse Guards : Brevet Major E. W Bouverie to be Major and 'Lieut.-Col., by purchase, vice Haunter, who retires—Lieut J. Lord Elphinstoue to......
SATURDAY. The intelligence from .Antwerp this morning is meagre, and consists of little else than a recapitulation of what had been formerly stated. The firing on both sides......
Elections Already Fixed.
At least one day must, according to the Act, intervene hP2tween the day of nomination and the first day of polling. The runnber of polling days is two. On the first, the books......
Westminster Election.
SATURDAY, Two o'CfocE. The crowd at Covent Garden is by no means so great as might have been expected, though it is very considerable. Agreeably to our anticipations, though......
The Morning Herald Gives Its Opinion, That " It May...
be doubted whether men of more abstract science, or authors by profession, are calculated to snake useful members of Parliament ; while by deserting the posts for which they are......
Sir Samuel Whalley Went To The Mansionhouse On Tuesday, To
put a question to the Mayor on the subject of the pollingbooths for Marylebone. The candidate Knight wished to learn if the Knight installed were prepared to furnish the......