Panorama Of Stirling.
MR. BURTORD has painted a blautiful panoramic view of Stirling and the surrounding country, taken from the Castle. The picturesque buildings of the Castle form a prominent......
Mr. Burford Is Engaged On A Panorama Of The Falls
of Niagara. This mode of representation is the only one which can give an adequate idea of the vastness and grandeur of these Falls, on account of their immense extent and......
Rondo Brillante, 5. la Russe ; with an Introduction for the Pianoforte, and Fantasia Irlandese for the Pianoforte. By J. B. CRA.MER. How refreshing it is, after being obliged to......
Royal Society.
Tor Anniversary Meeting of this Society for the election of Council and Officers for the ensuing year, was held on Friday the 30th of November, being St. Andrew's Day. His Royal......
The Universities.
OXFoRD. The following degrees were conferred on Thursday. Masters of Arts—R ev. D. S. George, Scholar of Jesus; Rey. E. A. Waller. Brasennose ; Rev. G. D. Grundy, Brasennose ;......