8 DECEMBER 1832, page 2

Answer Qf General Chasse To The Summons Y Marshal Gerard.

"Citadel of Antwerp, November 30. " M. In Marshal—Tn reply to your summons, which I have just received, I have to Morin pin, M. he Marshal, that h shall not yield the citadel of......

Leopold Has Not Yet Succeeded In Procuring A Ministry ;

and the impression gains strength that no change will take place, but that the old men will quietly remain in their places.......

The Ensemble, As It Is Called, Of The Address Of

the French Chamber of Deputies, was carried on Monday, by a triumphant majority. The number for Ministers was 233, while against them there were only 114. A great many......

Zbe Court.

THE King came to town on Monday. On his arrival, his Majesty proceeded to hold a Court, which was attended by the greater number of the Cabinet Ministers ; and afterwards a......

Be Aftartipriii#.

The Court of Common Council agreed on Thursday to a vote of IOU towards defraying the expenses of the Arctic expedition in search of Captain Ross. The vote, most honourably to......

The Old Bailey Sessions Closed On Wednesday. Sentence Of...

was passed upon Joseph Allen, Charles Taylor William Kingsley, George Wilden, John Carter, and John M'Cardy, for entering dwelling-houses, and committing larcenies therein ; and......