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The Court of Common Council agreed on Thursday to a vote of IOU towards defraying the expenses of the Arctic expedition in search of Captain Ross. The vote, most honourably to the Council's feelings, was carried at once by acclamation. An address of thanks was moved by Mr. R. Taylor to Lord Chief Justice Denman, and carried unanimously.
The annual Court of the Governors of the London Hospital took place on Tuesday; Sir John Hall, Treasurer, in the chair. Mr. Cecil, the Secretary, read the report, from which it appeared, that during the past year upwards of two thousand patients had been received, about two-thirds of whom were cured of their maladies. A new wing bad been added to the building, and additional accommodation for ninety patients had been made therein. The funds were in a prosperous condition.
The remaining gold cup purchased with the penny subscription, was presented to Lord Brougham on Monday, at his Lordship's house in Berkley Square. The Conservative Club had a grand dinner on Sunday [a pious set !] at their house on Canton Terrace, at which all the leaders of the Tory party in town assembled. Among them were the Duke of Wellington, Sir .Robert Peel, Sir James Scarlett, Sir J. Beckett, Mr. Manners Sutton, Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Bonham, fix. It is understood that Lord Kensington has prevailed on the Commissioners of Woods and Forests not to disturb the Club in the occupancy of the mansion they now occupy; of which they will, at all events, keep possession until they have constructed another.—Morning Chronicle.
The following is the state of the rating in Marylebone parish:— Number of houses under £10 964 under 20 2.077 under 50 5,010
under 100 2,614 under 200 1,262 above 200 516 12,443