WAR-OFFICE, Dee. 4.—Royal Regiment of Horse Guards : Brevet Major E. W Bouverie to be Major and 'Lieut.-Col., by purchase, vice Haunter, who retires—Lieut J. Lord Elphinstoue to be Capt., by purchase, vice Bouverie—Cornet It. S. Oliver to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Lord Elphinstone—G. S. Bock, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Oliver-7th Foot: Capt. Lord S. Lennox. from Intlf-pav Unattached, to be Capt., vice Hon. S. Hay, who exchanges—Ensign T. Wright, from the 15th Foot, to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Lord Torrington, who retires-11th Faint: A. Cockburn, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Peake, who retires-14th Foot : Brevet Major ILMarquis of Worcester, from 37th Foot, to be Capt., vice E. Id E.strange who exchanges-15th Foot:. Capt. E. G. Howard, from half-pay Unn I Mulled, to be Capt., vice L. Tollemache, who exchanges—J. 11. Nash, Gent, to be Ensign, by jawchose, vice Wright, promoted in this 7th Foot-36th Foot : Capt. G. Cairnes to be Major, by purchase, vice Lord G. Hervey, who retires—Lieut. E. R. King to be Capt., by purchase, vice Cairnes—Ens. G. Sockett to he Lieut., by purchase, vivo King—J. B. Pilgrim, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Sockett-42d Foul: IL M. ,Drummond, Gent, to be %Ensign, by purchase, vice Stirling, promoted-5911 Foot: Lima. W. Butler to be Adjutant. vice Swan, who resigns the Adjutancy only-55th Foot : Lieut. F. A' Heriot to be Adjutant, vice Wilson, who resigns the Adjutancy only-61st Foot : Ensign W. Ward. lobe Lieut., by purchas.e, vice MKinnon, promoted—C. Harkness, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ward-64th Foot: Capt. M. II. Fagan, from half-pay 2t1 Ceylon Regiment, to be Capt., vice Boyes, deceased-74th Foot: Capt. 11. St. John Mildmay, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt., vice \V. Graham. who exchanges-76th Foot : Capt. W. N. Hutchinson, to be Major, by purchase, vice Faincombe, who retires, —Lima. R. A. Gdssett to be Capt., by purchase, vice Hutchinson—Ensign R. Le Poer Trench to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Gossett-77th Font: Ensign J. Powell to be Lieut., without purchase, vice Bevan, decca.sed—Ensign T. Buckland, from balf-pay 35th Foot, lobe Ensign, vice Powell-89th Foot: Brevet Major G. E. Jones to be Major, by purchase. vice Forbes, who retires—Lient. E. Kenny to be Capt., by purchase, vice .Tones—Ensign W. H. Boynton to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Kenuy—F. C. Aylmer, Gent.. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Boynton-96th Foot : Capt. 0. Pilling, front the 2d West India Regiment, to be Capt. vice Hendrick, who retires-211 West India Regiment: Capt. S. J. Peck, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt.. vice Pilling, appointed to the 96th Foot—Ensign W. Jones, from half-pay 88th Foot, tube Ensign, vice Wilson, deceased. Unattaelwd—Lieut. D. H. A. NPRinnon, from the Gist Foot, to be Capt. of Infantry, by purchase—Lieut. H. B. Bentham, from the 15th Foot, to be Capt. of In
fantry, without purchase. Hospital Stair—N. Dartuell, Gent. to be Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, vice Horner, placed upon half-pay. Chaplain—Rev. B. B. Stevens, from half-pay, to be Chaplain to the Forces, vice Winneck, deceased.
Dec. 7.-86th Regt. of Foot : Major-General W. G. Lord Harris to be colonel, vice General the Earl of Kilmorey, deceased.
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'No shidl be glad to hear from R. P. J. at any time.
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