The intelligence from .Antwerp this morning is meagre, and consists of little else than a recapitulation of what had been formerly stated. The firing on both sides havir°es ceased on Thursday at eight o'clock, the people of Antwerp were led to expect that a capitulation was about to take place, but the renewal of the fire at one o'clock undeceived them. The French works have now been pushed close to the covered way of St. Laurent. The buildings in the Citadel have been repeatedly fired by the shells. Some of them Were burning and smoking during the entire of Wednesday and Thursday. The Herald correspondent mentions a report that the Lunette of St. Laurent had been taken by assault at half-past one o'clock on Thursday, and that the signal for the assault was the arrival of LEOPOLD at Berchem. The guns of the Lunette had been dignniintad fn. a éoii
siderable time. The fire of
slack. The cA"-'' O'ci has been as usual, extremely e • have been few. The Standard says 1,000 men ..e rallen •, our contemporary has added a cipher by mistake-100 will Cover e entire of the fillen, and leave at least the half of them
to get up again.
We have no news from Oporto ; but there is a rumour that Don PEDRO means speedily to abandon the city, and march forward to Lisbon. A new loan of 200,000/. is spoken of; and we are again told that England and France mean to interpose between the rival brothers. 'Tis time they should.