At least one day must, according to the Act, intervene hP2tween the day of nomination and the first day of polling. The runnber of polling days is two. On the first, the books will remain open for seven hours; on the second, for eight hours; the second day's poll must close at four o'clock. In the following list, we give the days of nomination only.
This Day—London, Westminster, Tower Hamlets, Marylebone, Lambeth, Finsbury, Southwark, Arundel, Cirencester, Reading.
Monday next—Canterbury, Lymington, Herefordshire, Coventry, Kidderminster, Grantham, Gloucester, BrIghton, Droitwich, Hythe, Cambridge, Cheltenham, Greenwich, Worcester, Lincoln City, Leeds, Dover, Lewes, Col-. cheater, Wallingford, Marlborough, Bridport, Chippenharn, Ludlow, Marlow, Eye, Windsor, Southampton, Honiton, Cardiff, Wigan, Wenlock, St. Alban's, Taunton, Leeds, Harwich., Grimsby.
Tuesday next—Frome, Wolverhampton' Warwick, Wells, Bedford, Buckingham, Dudley, Bury St. Edmund's, Derby, illidhurst, Huntingdon, Ipswich, Malden, Guildford, Shaftesbury, Petersfield, Liverpool, Bury Lan., Devonport, Newcastle, Tewkesbury, Berwick, Sandwich, Bridgewater, Hull, Bolton, Poole, Devizes, ?Tenth, Newport, Stamford, Winchester, Brecon, Maidstone, Wycombe. Wednesday nart--Cambridge University, Leicester, Bath, Rye, Bristol, Newark, Birmingham, Rochdale, Warrington, Walsall, Boston. Thursday next—Aylesbury, Cricklade, Rutland, Worcestershire. Friday next—Stockport, Manchester, Salford, Oldham, Ashton, Bradford, Lyme, Shoreham, Monmouth, Shrewsbury, Northampton South. Saturday next—West Cambridgeshire, Shropshire North, Somerset East, Worcestershire East, Glasgow, Westmoreland. Monday the 17th—Sorry West, Hampshire North, Essex South, Lincoln (Kesteven), Kent West, Warwickshire South, Shropshire South, Edinburgh City, Middlesex, York North, Glamorgan, Brecon, Denbigh, Staffordshire, Nottingham North. Tuesday the 18th—Hampshire South, Gloucestershire East, Worcestershire East, Warwick North, Stalk East, Derbyshire South, Derbyshire North, Leicestershire South, Berkshire, l3uckinghasushire, Leith, Northampton North, Monmouth County, Salop North. Wednesday the 19th—Edinburgh County, Dorset. Thursday the 20th—Gloucestershire West, Bedfordshire, Leicestershire North, Norfolk East, Kent East, Yorkshire West, Huntiugdon, Wight, Devon South, Nottingham South. Friday the 21st—Essex North, Lincoln (Lindsey). Monday the 24th—Yorkshire East.