THE death of Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH unhappily arrested his History of England at the 211th page of this the third volume; an event on many accounts to be lamented, and especially for that the world is deprived of the fruits of his research, his various knowledge, and great talents, spent as they had been for so many years on the most important undertaking in a literary life—the history of one's native country, written in the interests of the People. Though the History of England, as commenced by Sir JAMES, might not be all that was expected of him, and though faults may be easily pointed out, no one can deny that it was a highly valuable contribution to the literature of the country, as far as it went; and that we are deprived of the remainder is a very severe loss. Who the "continuator," as he calls himself, is, we are not informed; he promises to proceed "with an entire concurrence in Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH'S developedpiinciples and views," and to "pursue the course of events with the same disposition to vindicate and advance the principles of religious and political freedom, promote civilization, and cultivate the sentiments of humanity, which have distinguished his predecessor." It would be perhaps as well • if modern historians, instead of attempting to combine the duties of the politician, the moralist, and the philanthropist, with those of the historian, would endeavour to throw together events in the shape of a continuous and interesting narrative. We are in this, as in many similar works, favoured with the notes of the historian on his reading, rather than the results of his inquiries as shown in a true story, true at least as far as the truth is to be arrived at.
The portion of history which has fallen to the pen of the writer -who has taken up Sir JAarrs's subject, happens to contain two of 'the most interesting points of the age of E zsmErn,—the Bartholomew Massacre, and the Execution of Mary : they are treated with so much justice, that we feel satisfied the Editor has done his best to procure an able substitute.