THE Life of Dr. MASON GOOD, by Dr. GREGORY, forms the Seventh Number of the Select Library; the previous parts of which we have not seen, and cannot therefore speak of its pretensions, except with reference to the volume before us. Dr. MASON Goon was well known, during his life, to be one of the most indefatigable, various, and useful writers of his time. Few persons ever wrote more; his publications are exceedingly numerous; his MSS. equally so; and some he left behind him, both in general literature and in the walk of his profession, possess high claims, and remain monuments of his industry, talents, and virtuous intentions. His translation of LUCRETIUS, and his Study of Medicine, are standard works in every library pretending to completeness. The career of this accomplished and amiable individual, is traced with much care and fidelity by his friend and the nar rative is precisely of that kind which we would put into the hands of youth with a view of stimulating honest ambition and exciting literary taste. It is impossible to peruse this piece of biography without those feelings of respect and admiration for the subject that almost unconsciously produce in the mind an anxious desire to pursue an equally honourable and useful course.