The Magazines, with the brilliant exception of the Court Magazine,
are by no means pictorial. Fraser has a characteristic full-length sketch of William Roscoe ; the British, an excellent lithograph of the old Church of St. Martin, at Canterbury ; the Boudoir contains a very pretty little view of Northfleet, drawn and engraved in a superior style, in addition to the Fashions, which it gives in common with the Ladies' Museum, &e. The portrait in the Court Magazine is a beautiful engraving, from a good picture by MORTON, of Lady Charlotte Butler.
• This work is got up under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. A correspondent suggests that they should publish a Drawing. book of the human figure. The Society have, we believe, such a work in contemplation; one which will include the whole range of subjects—Architecture, Perspective, Landscape, Figures, Cattle. fite. The same correspondent is informed that Cours do Dentin is lobe had of M. Norma at No. 1, Macclesfield Street, Soho. He complains that it is often difficult in the country to obtain London prints, from the names of the pub." ushers not being given. Publishers have it in their power to obviate this difficulty, by means of tlIC advertising columns of journals cognizant of the Elsie Arts.