Friday, December 7.
FLEECY and OAKLEY, Southwark, attornies—Monatis and FISHER. Derby, surgeons— WILSON and JoLLy, Mauniugham, joiners—Beams-rex and Co., Leeds, cloth merchants—HoLLANn and CRAMP, Plicenix Wharf, Pickle Herring, wharfingers—GonroN and Co., London, wholesale-tea-dealers—H. C., and F. D. GLADWIN, Leicester Square, pastry-cooks.
BEAUMONT, FREDERICK, Huddersfield, grocer, to surrender Dec. 21, Jan. 18: solicitors, Mr. Sandal,. Old Jewry; and Messrs. Jacomb and Tindale, Huddersfield. BENFIELD, WILLIAM, St. Mary-at-Hill, perfumer, Dec. 19, Jan. 18: solicitor, Mr. Hume, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, and Great Surrey Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Cepa:all Buildings. DOWLEY, JAMES BROWNING, Great Dover Street, Newington, furnishing-ironmonger, Dec. 14, Jan. 18: solicitor, Mr. Selby, St. John's Street Road; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard. BRICHENO, ROBERT, Hemingford Grey. Huntingdonshire, horse-dealer, Dec. 28, Jan. 18; solicitors, Messrs. Walmsley and Co., Chancery Lane; and Mr. Beck, St. Ives, BROOMHEAD, T !SOMAS, Birmingham, appraiser, Dec. 21, 22, .Tan. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co., New Inn; and Mr. Bartleet, Birmingham. Dux, MAXWELL ROBERT, and CLEUOH, WILLIAM, London Street, Fenchurch Street, merchants, Dec. 14, Jan. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Oliverson and Co., Frederick's Place; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. EVANs, DAVID, jun., Liverpool, joiner, Dec. 24, Jan. 18: solicitors, Mr. Chester, Staple Inn; and Mr. Morecroft, Liverpool. GORELY, DANIEL, Great Russell Street, wholesale-perfumer, Dec. 18, San. 18: soliditar, Mr. Harvey, Barnard's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard, MiLLER, A.DOLPHUS, Hermitage, Sussex, rope-maker, Dec. 13, Jan. 18: solicitors,
Messrs. Dyne. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Smart, Emsworth. . . PouLros, Wittum, Broadleaze, Wiltshire, cattle-dealer, Dec. 23, Jan. 18: solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. S. Demainbray, Highworth.
PRATT, ALEXANDER, Redditch, Worcestershire, surgeon, Dee. 19, Jan. 18; solicitors, Messrs. Lowndes and Gatty, Red Lion Square ; and Sir. J. Cresswell, Redditch. ROBINSON, EDWARD, Wakefield, Yorkshire, hosier, Dec. 17, San. 18 solicitors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and Ridsdale, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Cuttle, Wakefield. SIKES, SHAKSPEAR GAT:latex, Huddersfield, banker, Dec. 27, Jan. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Walker and Richards, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Clough and Norton, Huddersfield.
THOMAS, JAMES, Walsall, Staffordshire, saddler's-ironmonger, Dec. 22, Jan. IS: solicitors, Messrs. Walker and Richards, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Barnett, Walsall.
r Jan. 1, Rickards, Cowley Road, Brixton, wine-merchant—Jan. 4, Humpleby, Borough Market, Southwark, plumber—Jan, 17, Smith, Welwyn, grocer—Dec. 28, Yates and Co., Cleckheaton, cloth-manufacturers—Dec. 29, Wright, Henley, dyer—Jan. 4, Latham, Llanelly, spirit-merchant—Dec. 29, Bottosaley, Huddersfield: woolstapler—Dec. 31,
Minshull, Cholsey, cattle-dealer—Jan. 12, Parkinson, Foothill, farmer—Tan. 2, Stead.. Shrewsbury, mercer—Dec. 29, Atkinson, Bradley Mills, woollen-cloth-manttfacturerDec. 29, Midgley anti Co., Almondbury, fancy-cloth-manufacturers.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Dec. 98. Carwardine, Bristol. soap-manufacturer—Edwards, Milford, butter-merehant —Wetkinson, Gainsborough, innkeeper—Smith, Liverpool, joiner—M'Watt, Billiter Street, Leadenhall Street, oil-merchant—Ramsay, Mark Lane, wine-merehant—Bowyer, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, broker.
STIRLING, R. and P.. Glasgow, grocers, Dec. 14, 28.