FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, December 4.
I./lesson: and haulms, Old Haggerstone, bone-boilers—W. and G. JAcEses, Lancaster, maltsters—M'CAnE and PEARSON, block and pump-makers—Tarx0RAri and MARSHALL, Beaford, Devonshire. glovers—Jona:sox and TRW:ORTON, Liverpool, joiners .1Iter; and ABBEY, Huddersfield, tallow-chandlers—KwArenauLL and Co., Gracechurch Street, merchants ; as far as regards PArEnsosr—ArienER and BRoox, Osset, Yorkshire, wheelwrights—BLAckwELL and DILLONS, Grange, Staffordshire, manufae. turera of earthenware—PARICER and DEELEY, Birmingham, jewellers—ELLis and LEWIS, Liverpool, joiners—BARRER and BROMLEY, Rochester. llatterS—WoLFENDEN and Co., Blanc:tester, engravers to calico-printers—C. and W. WEnsrER, Fazeley, Staffordshire, woolstaplers—B. and J. F. Weimer, Manchester, calico-printen—WILre and SA xroze, Osset, Yorkshire. cloth.manufacturers—PAIXTER a'ad Busy, Broad. Street, 'stock-brokers—FULLER and Cu., Lewes. drapers ; OS far as regards FULLER—HARRATT and Goctes. Huntingdon, saddlers—Hues:ix ant1Tommie5ox, Walsall, saddlers' ironmaugers—KEaR and Co., Liverpool, and Tuon and Co., MeXic0-11RADBURY and Co., New Mills, Derbyshire, coach-proprietors.
MAUD, WILLIAM 011d. ROBERT, Andover, Hampshire, common-brewers.
BITTLER, WILLIAM, Little St. Thomas Apostle, printer, to surrender Dec. 10, Jan. 15 solicitor, Mr. Ilea itt,Tokenheuse Yard. COLES, WILLIAM jun., Mincing Lane. broker, Dee. 14, Jan. 15: solicitor, Mr. Knox,
Gray's Inn Square ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. .
DAURNEY, THOMAS, Portsea, grocer, Dee. 18, 19, Jan. 15: solicitors, Mr. Bullen. Gray's Inn; and Mr. Portsea. FENTON, WILLIAM, Woodhouse, flamer, Dec. 17, Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Strangeways and Walker, Barnard's Ian ; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds. • GOUDE, HAaRv, Ilarpur Street, Red MOB Square, seedsman, Dec. 15, Jan. 15 : solieitors, Messrs. Walker and Richards, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Clark, St. Swithia's Lane. GREEN, 11110DA, Bristol, hosier, Dee. 12. Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. 'White and Whitmore, Lincoln's Inn ; and Messrs. Bevan and Brittan, Bristol. 11EN WOOD, NICHOLAS, Penzance, victualler, Dec. 17, Jan. 15: solicitors,' Mr. Coode, Guildford Street ; and Mr. Payter, Penzance.
ME:es:HAN, BoswELL, Queen Street Place. money-serivener, Dec. 11, Jan. 15: solicitor, Mr. Taylor. Great James Street, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Tenuant, King's Arms Yard.
KETTLE, JOHN OLIVER, Southampton Street, Strand, tailor. Dee. 14, Jan. 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Ilopwcaal and Foster, Chancery Lane : official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Pancras Lane.
LEAR, FRANCIS, Bitten, Gloucestershire, tallow-chandler. Dec. 18, Jan. 15: solicitor s Messrs. Poole and Gamlen, Gray's Inn Square ; Messrs. Wasbrough and Stanley, and Mr. Evans, Bristol. PEAK E, TeemAs, Shrewsbury, grocer, Dee. 17, Jan. 15: solicitors, Mr. Ronalds, Crown Court, Old Broad Street ; and Mr. Cooper, Shrewsbury. PINNEY, BERNARD, Stafford Place, Pimlico, picturedealer, Dec. 17, Jan. 15: solicitor, Mr. Rogers, Manchester Buildings, Westminster; official assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard.
RPM:RAVE, WILLIAM, Grosvenor Street West, Pimlico, wire-worker, Dec. 19, Jan.15 : solicitors, Messrs. Robinson and Sons, half Moon Street, Piccadilly, SHAW, BENJAMIN, Rochdale, hat-manufacturer, Dec. 20; 21, Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co., Great Ormond Street ; and Mr. Heaton, Rochdale.
Sims, 'WILLIAM, St. hiss, grocer. Dec. 18. Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Poole and Gamlen, Gray's Inn Square ; and Messrs. Livett, bRIstol.'
SPARROW, IIEnty, Wolverhampton, iron-founder, Dec. 21, Jan. 15: solicitor, Mr. Capes, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Iffilyoake and Robinson, Wolverhampton. TUNNICLIFFE, THOMAS, Sileby, Leicestershire, lace-manufacturer, Dec. 24, Jan. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor, Featherstone Buildings, Holborn; and Messrs. Payne and Daft, Nottingham. Wirernenor, ROBERT, Esher, Surrey, brewer, Dec. 19, Jan. 15: solicitor, Mr. Clapham, Great Portland Street ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Basingliall Street.
Dec. 27, Clever, High Street, Shailwell, victualler—Dec. 27, Woolcott, Tunbridge, plumber—Dec. 27. Hindle. Boroughbridg,e, innkeeper—Dec. 27, Greetham, Liverpool, ship-chandler—Dec. 27, Edwards, Norwich, maltster—Dee. 28, Mansfield, Billing. borough, mercer—Dec. 26, Kay and Nuttall, Heap, paper-manufactiirers—Dec. 27, Thorp, Manchester, linen-draper—Jam 3, Lucy, St. John in Bedwardine, builder—Dec. 29, Hamilton, Bristol, innkeeper.
To lie granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dee. 25. Roberts, Liverpool, miller—Head, Lawrence Pountney Place, colour-merchantPowis, St. Ilelen's Place, merchant—Cripps, Ablersgate Street, wine-merchant—Webb, Newport, Monmouthshire, coal-merchant—Battyll, Doctors' Commons, tavern-keeper —Taylor, Clifford Street, Bond Street, silk-mercer—Williams, Norwich, tea-dealer —Mascot-ti, Oxford, grocer—Smart, Upper Southampton Street, Islingtou, licensedvictualler.
CAMPBELL, JAMES, and Co., Arbroath, merchants, Dec. 5, 19, HUTCHINSON, JOHN, and SON, Leith, wood-merchants, Dec. 7, 21.
ROSIE, 'WALTER, Pulteneytown, Cab 'mess, fish-curer, Dec. 13, 27. MACKINLAY, ROI3ERT and DUNCAN, Edinburgh, merchants, Dec. 5, 19.