The English Stock Market has continued the whole week without the *lightest sign of animation, or any business of importance. The closing tprice of Consols is 961 1, being k per cent lower than last week. A considerable amount of Stock seems to be pressing upon the market ; which consequently is heavy, though from the abundance of money the price is kept from falling. The rate of interest upon loans for short periods may be quoted at from 2 to 21 per cent, and that of discount from 21 to 3 per cent. There Is therefore scarcely any demand for accommodation from the Bank of England, where the minimum rate is 3 per cent. The Foreign Exchanges are slightly higher. The importation of Railway Shares from Paris has almost entirely ceased, and with it the exportation of gold. French flour, however, still continues to be largely imported, and the necessity of providing for its payment checks the advance in the rate of exchange upon Paris.
In the Foreign Market, the demand for the Russian Four-and-a-half and Five per Cent Stock continues; the price of both being slightly in advance of our last quotations. Danish and Dutch Stocks are also at slightly higher prices. An impulse has been given to Peruvian Stock by the large sale of guano. It appears from an official statement, that from this source the dividends for the year are already provided for, and more than the requisite amount for the Sinking-fund. Under these circumstances, both the _Active and Deferred Stock have risen from 2 to 3 per cent. Mexican Stock was -depressed upon the arrival of the last West Indian mail, when only 84,000 -donors arrived on the account of the Bondholders, instead of upwards of 200,000 as was expected : the price declined to 321, but afterwards advanced rather more than 1 per cent from the lowest price. Advices have been reIceived today from the agent of the London Committee of the Spanish Bondholders, at Madrid, stating that the plan proposed by M. Bertrand de Lis for the conversion of the Active Debt would be submitted by Government for the approval of the Cortes on the 1st instant. This plan embraces the conversion of the capital of the debt into a Stock bearing 1 per cent interest, to increase periodically until in nineteen years the interest reaches 3 per cent, at which rate it is finally to continue. The over-due Coupons are to be converted into a like Stock at the rate of 50 per cent upon their nominal value, while a certain sum is annually to be set apart for the absorption of the Passive debt. This intelligence has had but slight effect upon Spanish Stock in our market ; where the closing quotations are barely per cent in _advance of those of yesterday.
A considerable reaction occurred in some of the principal Railway Shares at the commencement of the week; and though prices have since improved, they are not today generally so high as on Saturday. Great Western, however, must be excepted ; today they have reached 92, an advance of between 21. ahd 31. upon our last quotations. The French Shares are firmer, with but few transactions.
SATURDAY TWELVE o'Ctocz. The English Funds opened at the closing quotations of yesterday, the price *f Consols both for Money and Account 'being 961 I. Very little kusiness -has occurred, and the market must be considered heavy at the opening prices. There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign Market. A 'tendency to improvement is observable in Spanish Stock, of which the Active is quoted at 181 19. The Railway Share Market is nearly as yesterday, but it will be seen that Midland and North-western are higher. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Great Northern, 18; Great West-ern, 911 91; North-western, 131; Midland, 571; North Staffordshire, 10k ; South Wales, 251; Great North of England Purchase or Preference, 61 ; York and North Midland, 24k. SATURDAY Two O'CLOCK.
The Chancery Broker bought 40,000 Stock, which gave a momentary ins-pulse to the market, and there were buyers of Consols at 96k: a preponderance -of sellers has since occurred, and the closing quotation is 961 I. The trans-actions of the Foreign Market have been as follows—Brazilian, 911 2k; Danish Five per Cents, 103 2 1 ; Grenada, 171 18; Mexican, 331 1k: Peruvian, 80k; Portuguese Four per Cents, 331; Russian Five per Cents, 113 1 ; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 971 a 1 ; Spanish Active, 181 19k; Ditto Three per Cents, 381 9; French Five per Cents, 58 25; Exchange, 24 95; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 59 8 1; Ditto Four per Cents, 91q. The Railway Share Market is firm, and in some cases prices have advanced slightly. The following arc the principal bargains since the morning— Aberdeen, 131 1'; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 2k; Caledonian, 101 1; Chester and Holyhead, 181 ill; Eastern Counties, 71 ; Ditto 5 per Cent Preference, No. 2, 1 prem. ; Ditto New 6 per Cent, 11k; East Lancashire, 13k; Great Northern, 18 171; Great Western, 91 1 91; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 571 7; London and Blackwell, 71; London, Brighton, and South 'Coast, 941 5; New Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 137k; London and North-western, 131 3011; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 2211; Ditto Fifths, 17k; Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C., 4; London and South-western, 881 1 ; Midland, 571 1 7 58; North British, 8.1 9k; North Staffordshire, 10k 1 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 16k 1 ; Scottish Midland, 161 ; South-eastern and Dover, 1 1; York, -Newcastle, and Berwick, 201 1 ; Ditto Extension, 151; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, or Preference, 61 ; ork mid North Midland, 241 1 4; Boulogne and Amiens, 9 1 ; Central of Francs (Orleans and Vierzon,) 161 ; East Indian, 13k; Paris and Strasbourg, 10 81 10; Rouen and Havre, 111 1; London Joint Stock, 171 18 ex div.