In The Insolvent Court, On Saturday, Alfred Whaley Cole...
for his discharge. Mr. Cole is a barrister, twenty-seven years of - age, and one of a family of twelve. In 1849 he was in debt 400/. At that period he became attached to the......
The February Session Of The Central Criminal Court...
Monday, and has continued through the week. The case of the Sloanes was the first tried on Wednesday ; and the Court was thronged at an early hour. Mr. Sloane entered with a......
Tt :pruniurro.
The county of Cambridge on Saturday, and the county of Hertford on Thursday, added to the long and almost completed list of protests by shire meetings against "Papal......
It Is Said That Efforts Are In Progress At Liverpool
to establish a new company to run screw-steamers from that port to Calcutta. The proposal is to build iron boats for the service, of 2500 or 3000 tons, with 600-horse power.......