Lectures On The Scripture Revelations Respecting Good And...
By a Country Pastor, Author of "Lectures on the Scripture Revelations respecting a Future State." [This volume is not, as might be supposed, a speculation on the very curious......
Two Books Are Before Us Of The Nature Of Reprints.
A new edition of Herbert Mayo's interesting "Letters on the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions," with some additional matter, consisting for the most part of extreme and......
On the 26th January, at Ryde, Isle of Wight, Lady Wade, of a daughter. On the 30th. at Na. 57, York Place, Edinburgh, the Hobourable Mrs. Dalrymple Hay, of a son. On the 31st,......
Military Gazette, War-office, Feb. 7.-4th Ltegt. Of Light...
Sutherland, from Oth. Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Mallet, also exchanges. 9th Light Drags.Lieut. H. Mallet, from 4th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Sutherland, who exchanges.......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, February 4. PARTNERSHIPS DISS07.17121.-WhitS and Co. Gravesend-R. and S. Morton, Miserdine, Gloucestershire, farmers-Lawrence and Son, Tottenham Street, carpentersKeen......