8 FEBRUARY 1851, page 7

Papal Aoonvzsma.

In both Houses, considerable time has been occupied in the presentation f the vast mass of petitions from county meetings, corporate and other influential bodies and......

Tim Queen Came To Buckingham Palace On Monday, To Open

Parliament on the following day ; Prince Albert accompanying her. Soon after their arrival in town, they visited the Duchess of Gloucester at Gloucester House ; and in the......

At A Meeting Of The Law Amendment Society, On Monday,

Mr. Neale read the report of the Society's Committee on the Law of Property upon the subject of increasing the facilities for raising loans by the pledge of land. While the......

The Application To The Court Of Queen's Bench On Behalf

of the executor of the late Queen Dowager against the Treasury was decided on Saturday last. The Court held that there was nothing special in the wording of the act of......

In The Insolvent Court, On Saturday, Alfred Whaley Cole...

for his discharge. Mr. Cole is a barrister, twenty-seven years of - age, and one of a family of twelve. In 1849 he was in debt 400/. At that period he became attached to the......