Tim Queen came to Buckingham Palace on Monday, to open
Parliament on the following day ; Prince Albert accompanying her. Soon after their arrival in town, they visited the Duchess of Gloucester at Gloucester House ; and in the evening they honoured Mr. Macready's last performance at the Haymarket Theatre with their presence.
In the afternoon of Monday, the Queen held a Court and Privy Council in Buckingham Palace. At the Court, Senor Jose de Marcoleta, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Nicaragua, had an intervietv to present his credentials. Sir Edward C. Disbrowe her Majesty's Plenipotentiary at the Hague, was presented on his return from abroad. Mr. James William Morrison, of Snaresbrook, late Deputy-Master and Worker of the Queen's Mint, Mr. Alexander Bannerman, Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island, and Mr. James Meek, late Comptroller of the Navy, each had the honour of Knighthood conferred by the Queen. In the Privy Council, the Speech for the opening of the a eeion. of Parliament was settled; and several of the Ministers had audiences.
On Tuesday, the Queen went in stat to meet her Parliament. The procession of equipages, the details of which we have often described, started from Buckingham Palace at a quarter before two, and returned at three. The weather was beautiful. Her Majesty's progress to the House of Lords and back was lined with a vast concourse of admiring spectators.
The Court left Buckingham Palate for Windsor at five o'clotk on Tuesday afternoon.
On Thursday her Majesty gave audiences to the Marquis of Westminster, Lord Steward, and to the Honourable Mr. Laseelles, M.P., and re At a special Court of Aldermen, on Saturday, the Lord Mayor communicated officially the resignation by Alderman Gibbs of the gown of the Ward of Walbrook. Alderman Thompson, in a speech of strong friendship, moved resolutions expressing the regret of the Court at the retirement of one of its members who had so much contributed to the dignity and efficiency of the magistracy— Mr. Gibbs was a member of the Corporation for thirty-three years, and of the Court of Aldermen for thirteen years; and he had filled the offices of Sheriff and Chief Magistrate. Ile was not the first instance in that Court of a man who had inflicted injury upon his pecuniary circumstances by devotion to the service of the public. "He entered the Court a man of fortune, and I fear that his devotion has had the effect of seriously diminishirig his private resources. We all know and feel that the duties of the magistraoy thirty years ago are far exceeded by the duties which we are now called upon to perform. I can see no circumstances by the operation of which those duties are likely to be diminished ; but I am convinced that the members will not abate in the zeal and energy by which they have attained to high a position as magistrates, and for the exercise of which indispensable qualifications Alderman Gibbs was so much distinguished." Alderman Copeland seconded the resolutions, in a tone of sincere regard. Sir Peter Laurie said, it would give him great pleasure to vote for the resolutions ; "but he did not relish the idea of making a rigid attention to the duties of the magistracy an excuse for an appeal to the compassion of the Court." Aldermen Thompson and Copeland promptly rejected the notion "that they had insinuated that Mr. Gibbs had the least idea of making any appeal " ; and Sir Peter Laurie having expressed his satisfaction that the independence of the Court was not to be imperilled, the resolutions were unanimously agreed to.
Mr. David Williams Wire, solicitor, was unanimously elected on Wednesday to be Alderman of the vacant Ward of Walbrook. Mr. Wire had represented the ward for seventeen years as one of its Common Councilmen.
The Fruiterers Company on Monday presented to the Lord Mayor their customary yearly gift of twelve baskets of apples, and in return received the usual acknowledgment of an invitation to a Mansionhotue dinner.