MILITARY GAZETTE, WAR-OFFICE, Feb. 7.-4th ltegt. of Light Drags.-Lieut. R.
Sutherland, from Oth. Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Mallet, also exchanges. 9th Light Drags.Lieut. H.
Mallet, from 4th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Sutherland, who exchanges. 4th
Regt. of Foot-Ensign J. Barton, from 65th Foot, to be Lieut. without porch. vice Harris, dismissed the service by the sentence of a General Court-martial. 21st Ford
-Lieut. J. V. Arthure, from the 97th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Shawe, promoted to Capt. Unatt. 230 Foot-Major-Gen. G. C. D'Aguilar, C.B, from 59th Foot, to be Col. vice Gen. Sir J. W. Gordon, Bart. and G.C.B. dec. 32d Foot-Lieut. W. Rud man to be Adjt. vice Garfortk, who resigns the Adjutantcy only. 54t1, Foot-Ensign T. R. Houston, from 67th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Goddard, appointed to 98th Foot, 56th Foot-Major W. Austin, from half-pay 42d Foot, to be Major vice J. Wegg,
who exchanges; Capt. B. Oakeley to be 141nyor, by purchase, vice Austin, who re tires ; Lieut. F. M. Ramsay to be Capt. by purchase, vice Oakeley; Ensign J. Warren to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ramsay. 58111 Foot-Major-Gen. E. B. Wynyard, C.B. to be Col. vice Major-Gen. D'Aguilar, appointed to the 23d Foot. 62d FOOL
Lieut. W. L. Ingall, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Olpherts, who retires; Ensign G. H. Wilkieson, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ingall. 65th Foot-Major-Gen. S. B.
Auchmuty, C.B. to be Col. vice Field-Marshal T. Grosvenor, deceased ; Gent. Ca det J. 0. J. Priestley, from the Royal idil. Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Barton, prom, in the 4th Foot. 82.1 Foot-Lieut. J. M.-Bannatyne, from the 935
Foot-Lieut. E. D. Macpherson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major J. J. Grier, who retires on full pay as Capt. ; Lieut. A. E. M'Gregor, from the 82d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Bannatyne, who exchanges ; Ensign J. Dalzell to be Lieut. vice
Macpherson; Gent. Cadet E. A. Stotherd, from the Royal MU. Coll, to be Ensign, vice Dalzell. 98th Foot-Captain R. Gloster, from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice T. C. Ormsby, who exchanges ; Lieut. L. Shadwell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gloster, who retires; Ensign W. H. J. Lance to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Shadwell; Ensign N. Goddard, from 54th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Lance.
Unattached-Lieut. A. G. Shawe, from 21st Foot, to be Capt. without purchase.
Staff.-Brevet-Col. J. Freeth to be Quartermaster-General to the Forces, vice General Sir J. W. Gordon, Bart. and G.C.B. dec. • Quartermaster A. Cruickahanks, on half-pay 79th Foot, to be Fort Major at Edinburgh Castle, vice Major T. Clinch, deceased.
Hospital Staff.-Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals A. Smith, M.D. to be Inspector-General of Hospitals and to be Superintendent of the Army Medical Department.
OBIT= or ORDNANCE., Feb. 6.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Lieut.-Gen. G. Nicola' to be Cot -Commandant, vice Lieut.-Gen. H. Hyatt, deceased.