Lectures on the Scripture Revelations respecting Good and Evil Angels.
By a Country Pastor, Author of "Lectures on the Scripture Revelations respecting a Future State." [This volume is not, as might be supposed, a speculation on the very curious subject of spiritual existences both heavenly and diabolical, but a series of discourses with a more practical end. The Country Pastor examines the occasions on which angelic beings are described as appearing in Scripture, first to impress his auditor with the broad distinction between the apparition of the Godhead himself, as to Moses in the burning bush, and a mere messenger, as in the ease of Zacharias; secondly, to deduce from the text truths for our guidance, as that worship of any kind is strictly forbidden to such beings. The Pastor stands stoutly up for the literal acceptation both of the angelic and the demoniac narratives, admitting no rationalistic attempts at explanation : but it may be thought that he wanders a little beyond the record occasionally, as in his explanation of the mode of the Saviour's temptation in the wilderness. It is, however, a sensible view of the subject ; and the Lectures are worth peruse', as a plain, practical, and pious treatment of a curious theme.] Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, By Richard Hooker. The First Book concerning Laws and their several kinds in general. [The first book of Hooker on Laws in general, published by the master of a large public school, in order to read it with his boys. It is printed to range with the publisher's "Classical Texts," and might worthily form the first of a similar series in English.] Hone Vaciva. A Thought-Book of the Wise Spirits of all Ages and all Countries, fit for all Men and all Hours. Collected, arranged, and edited by James Elmee, Author of "Memoirs of Sir Christopher Wren," Sti. [A selection of weighty or striking passages drawn from a wide range of writers; the grave, with an eye to practical application, predominating.] Cheltenham and its Resources; Mineral Waters, Climate, &c. considered chiefly in a Sanative point of view. By Edwin Lee, Author of "The Watering-Places of England,"-&c. [It seems that steam facilities by land and water have diminished the resort to Cheltenham ; and a committee of neighbouring. gentlemen interested in the prosperity of the place, thought one mode of winning back visitants might be by expounding the claims of the "Queen of English Spas." With this object, they offered a prize for the best essay on the attractions of Cheltenham; which was adjudicated to Mr. Edwin Lee, and here it is. We have no doubt that the decision of the judges was correct. Mr. Lee has written much upon the subject of mineral waters, touching upon Cheltenham as he went along, so that he is at home in his theme ; but there is nothing very new or striking in the present publication. It is an account of Cheltenham, partly original partly compiled, fairly setting forth its numerous attractions.] The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland; with Genealogical and Historical .Notices of the Families of the Nobility, the Archbishops and Bishops, a List of Titles of Courtesy, a Baronetage of the United Kingdom, &c. By Henry Rumsey Forster, of the "Morning Posh" [The object of this book is to combine the information of the more expensive Peerages with ready reference and cheapness ; all which is successfully attained. The drier heraldic particulars respecting the persona are varied by short notes on family history, or brief biographical notices. The Pocket Peerage will be a useful vade-mecum or desk companion to those who do not wish for more elaborate and dearer works.] The Poetical Works o,f Oliver Goldsmith. With thirty Illustrations 'by John Absolon, Birket Foster, James Godwin, and Harrison Weir. [The feature in this edition is the "Illustrations," and they are not of a very high style of art. The point they impress is the variety of scenes and images in Goldsmith ; and this variety, is well 'enough expressed by the designs so far as external things go. The landscapes are better than the figures or animals.] ?Oen& By J. De Jean, Author of "Eva O'Connor:" [A. selection from various fugitive pieces, published in the Dalin Oniversity Magazine, the owe famous Nation, and other periodicals. The iediting has been ur.dertaken by friends, and the poems are published y subs
scription ; the writer himself being in ill health, and looking to the success of this attempt as a means of assistance.] History of British India. (Gleig'a School Series.) (The history of India, from the "curliest period" down to the late Sikh War, doubled up in 126 tractlike pages, for a shilling.]
Christmas Morning; or the Little Ink-Cask. Translated from the German of Dr. Barth.
Oaf the Negro Boy., a Story for Christian Children. Translated from the German of Dr. Barth.
[Two pretty juvenile hooka, forming part of the "Sunday and Nursery Lioriry for the Young."]