Friday, Feltruary 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Hepton Brothers' Leeds, plumbers-Humphreys and Ackerley, Liverpool, merchants-Hardman and Walton, Bury, stone-dealers-Willans and Sons, Ironmonger Lane, cloth-manufacturers-]lriggs and Hampson, Leeds, whitesmiths-Sparkes and Co. Short Street, Newington, house-agents-Keeble and Denton, Queen Street, Chelsea, bricklayers-Warrenand Simpson, Stratford-le-Bow, paper-makers-Baiubrid,g,e and Noel, Tooting, surgeons-Swan and Son, Morpeth, tanners-Hargrave and Bodilly, Moorgate Street, umbrella-manufacturers-Ritchie and Hewitt, Chancery Lane, law-stationers-Shepherd and Co. Manchester, manufacturers-The Albion Mill Company, Bimini' gham, millers-Drake and Topham, Bingley, worsted-spinners-Tooth and Co. Mark Lane; hop-merchants-Miller and Co. Ingram Court, Fenchurch Street, wine-merchants-Courtald and Co. Carey Lane, silk-manufacturers ; as far as regards A. Taylor-Close and Flig,gin, Stocktonupon-Tees, hay-dealers-T. and H. Golding, Liverpool, corn-dealers-Kidston and Co. Bishopsgate Street, medical-fixture-dealers; as far as regards W. Kidston-J. and T. Hill, Bradford, Yorkshire, joiners-J. and J. H. Nash, Chipping Wycombe, attornies-Birch and Morrall, Birmingham, jewellers-Carter, and Howe, Halifax, cotton-warp-manufacturers-The North Shore Mills Company, Kirkdale, Liverpool, cotton-spinners-Bell and Nicoll, Glasgow, manufacturers.
BANKRUPTCY ANNOLLED.-BEREND and BLOOMF_NTHAL, Weymouth Place, New Kent-Road, cigar-merchants.
BANERcprs.-Jortx SHAM, Studley Road, Clapham Road, builder, to surrender Feb. 13, March 13: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Jonx SLATER MARSHALL, Goswell Road, boot-dealer, Feb. 15, March 29: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-ABRAnAx FRIEDEBERO, Houndsditch, furrier, Feb. 21, March 21: solicitors, Vincent and Randall, Castle Street, Holborn; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Lutes Duos, Batley, dyer, Feb. 28, March 20: solicitors, Frith, Bristol ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Joint WyArr junior, sometimes called ROBERT WrArr, Milverton, Somersetshire, grocer, Feb. 18, March 11: solicitors, Stanley and Wasbrough, Bristol ; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Ilernaman, Exeter-JADES SHIRT, Frodshani, provision-dealer, Feb. 24, March 10: solicitors, Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Roby, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool.
Divnimms.-Feb. 28, Abbott, King's Arms Yard, Bloorgate Street, merchantFeb. 28, Langford, Southampton, grocer-March 1, Smith, Elarylebone Street, wirerope-manufacturer-March 6, Neble, Leadenhall Street, tailor-March 4, Hemsworth, Primrose Street, wine-merchant-March 4, Craske, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk, grocer-March 4, Woodroffe, New Kent Road, druggist-Feb. 28, Pike, Reading, tobacconist-Feb. 28, W. and A. Miller, Liverpool, wine-merchants-March 6, Vick, Brecon, victualler-March 6, Sparke Torquay, hatter-March 6, Burnard, Bideford, painter-March 13, Robinson, Dudley, confectioner-March 1, Marsh, Rotherham, grocer-March 1, Rodgers and Brewm, Sheffield, bankers-March I, Yeomans, Sheffield, merchant-March 1, Hinchliffe, Sheffield, manufacturer.
CzarzeicArrs.-To be granted, finless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Feb. 28, Johnson, Bishopsgate Street Without, tea-dealer-March 6, Procost, Peterborough, linendraper-Feb. 28, Barber, Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire, builder-Feb. 28, East, Mark Lane, stationer-March 5, Vick, Brecon, victuallerMarch 4, Priestley, Radcliffe, cotton-spinner-March 4, Jolley and Jackson, Wigan, acetic-acid-manufacturers.
DECLARATIONS op DrvmENDs.-Fairly, Sunderland, chemist; second div. of ls. 6d. in-addition to 5s. 6d. previously declared, Feb. 8, or any following Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Brown, Sunderland, brewer; first div. of 44. (on new proofs), Feb. 8, or any subsequent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Simpson, Manchester, grocer; first div. of 28. 94d. Feb. 18, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott, Manehester-Taylor, Bakewell, grocer ; first div. of Is. 30. Feb. 18, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott, Manchester-Proctor and Hyatt, Manchester, cottondealers ; fourth div. of 7 1-16d. Feb. 18, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pott, Manchester-Greenup sen. Prescot, coal-proprieter; second div. of Is. 74.2. Feb. 6, or any subsequent Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool-Geyelin Liverpool, sine-worker; first div. of 6s. 3d. Feb. 6, or any subsequent Thursday; Csizenove, Liverpool.
Scrrrcw SEntrEssawrzoNs.-Hoseason, Glasgow, merchant, Feb. 12, March 10Mathie, Glasgow, iron-founder, Feb. 13, March 6-Brown, Glasgow, cotton-spinner, Feb. 14, March 7-Graham, Bars, Cumnock, contractor, Feb. 13, March 6.