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FBANCE.—In the Legislative Assembly, on Monday evening, the reprouentatives were surprised by the actual presentation of the Dotation Bill. M. Germiny, the Minister of Finance, ascended the tribune, and, premising that the Assembly would understand the feelings of delicate respect whielf forbade any ample development of the motives for such a demand, thus briefly explained the nature of his proposition " I have the honour to present to the Assembly a project of law for an " augmentation of the credit granted to the President of the Republic for expenses of representation. The law of June 24th of last year granted for the same purpose a sum of 2,160,000 francs. The pressing and numerous obligations imposed on the Chief of the State by the position which he occupies, render the required augmentation a matter of necessity ; and we accordingly propose to you to open an additional credit of 1,800,000 francs for the year 1851."
The announcement was received with marks of displeasure from all sides ; the Mountain especially showering satirical comments on every phrase of the Minister's speech. The proposition was referred to the Bureaux for the usual report of a Committee. On Tuesday a Committee was nominated; consisting of seven Orleanists, three Montagnards, three Legitimists, and two Bonapartists. It is observed that never since the .election of the present Assembly have so many Montagnard.s been nominated on any committee of a political character. The Committee met on • Wednesday, and showed a strong feeling against the dotation. It is stated 'that the votes in the Bureaux which nominated the Committee yield 387 -opponents of the measure against 242 supporters of it.
Grsam_ore.—The Austrians are now in full military possession of Hamburg. Their entry was completed on the 31st January ; and on the 1st instant Count Reventlow, the Stadtholder, resigned the power intrusted to him by the Confederation, and placed his powers in the hands of the two Federal Commissaries who accompany and control the military body which has effected the occupation. On the following day, the new Government issued a proclamation declaring its resumption of the seignorial rule of the Bing of Denmark.
INnia.—The news by the overland mail, which left Bombay dithe 3d January, is chiefly of personal interest. Sir John Grey had amived at Bombay, and been sworn in as commander of the Bombay Army. Sir Charles Napier embarked from Ferozeporo on the 16th of December, and would most likely leave that place for this country_by the mailsteamer of the 17th. The Governor-General had quitted Lahore on the 14th December, on his way to Wuzeerabad, to meet Gholab Singh, the prince to whom we gave the hereditary rule of Cashmere. There was to be a grand display of troops, and a ceremonious interchange of visits, at the respective palaces of the two dignitaries • and if the complimentary invitation of a return visit to Jumoo the capital of Cashmere, appear sincere, it is supposed to be Lord Dalhousie's intention to accept and act on it.
The most notable feature of the Indian news' however, is the farewell -address to the Armies of India issued by Sir Charles Napier, from his head-quarters of Ferozepore, on the 15th December. It is from beginning to end a most trenchant denunciation of the vice of getting in debt which pervades the officer ranks of the Indian Armies.
Premising that he is not now speaking as a rich man to the poor, for he has "known poverty," and has "lived for years on less than half what every ensign in this army receives," Sir Charles proceeds to state, that he has not sought for the information on which he speaks, but has had it forced upon him by men of high rank in both the Queen's and the Company's services, who are labouring for the honour of the service. One Brigadier writes to hum—" At a Court of Requests, held on the 8th instant, there were fifty three cases, and (with the exception of four of trifling amount) all against
subalterns—amount to 4875 rupees." Again, the same officer writes—" Decrees of Execution General are not unfrequent, and the efficiency of the officers seriously affected by their pecuniary embarrassments." Among the causes of this demoralization, one is, that "some young men get commissions without having had much education, or perhaps a vulgar one, which is worse."
'These officers are not aware that honesty is inseparable from the character of a thoroughbred gentleman. A vulgar man, who enjoys a champagne tithe and swindles his servants,' (as a Brigadier writes to me, when speaking of these matters, and referring to an officer under his immediate command,) may be a pleasant comp mien to those who do not hold him in contempt as a vulgar knave, but he is not a gentleman."
Then, some young men just escaped from school think it is "manly to be dishonourable.'
"They meet champagne-drinking swindlers who sponge on them and lead them into expense. Thus comes debt—then bankers are at hand to advance money. Thus they become involved past redemption; and soon the habit of being constantly in debt makes them grow callous to the proper feelings of a gentleman."
The expenses caused by the castant marching of regiments are great burdens on the officer; and Sir Charles hopes that now, in time of peace, the marching of regiments will be avoided. The extravagance of messes can and ought to be controlled by the commanding-officers of regiments.
"The pay of an ensign is sufficient for his just expenditure ; and the corntuanding-officer is, and can alone be, responsible that this rule of rigid and just economy is never infringed. What officer will go to a mess committee and tell his private misfortunes, or his difficulties ? Yet this is what those people (who say that the commanders of regiments ought not to interfere with the mess) want. They are overbearing tyrants, who want to set aside the private affairs of officers, and to make those officers who cannot afford such extravagance pay for these persons' selfish enjoyments, which they want to indulge in at other men's expense. That is the real object of those who wish to prevent the interference of commanding-officers. But the rules of both Queen's and Company's services give commanding-officers the right to interfere, and the Commander-it-chief will take care to hold him responsible that the ensign has his rights."
Sir Charles winds up with these valedictory words— "Today? am Commander-in-chief; a week hence I shall be no more to the Armies of India than a private gentleman. But the Armies of India must ever be much met dear to me. For nine years my whole energies, such as they are, have been dcvoted to the honour and glory of the Company's troops. I may say that I have become as much identified with the Armies of the three Presidencies as if I had risen front their ranks. I have jealously guarded their honour, and I have fought at their head. I now leave them for ever. But in the retirement of private life, although no longer able to serve them, the destinies of the Indian Armies will ever occupy my thoUghts. I here take leave of them, hoping that this order will be of use, as the last which I can issue to the Armies of India."