8 MAY 1841, Page 10


The Tory. Lowry. and Catherine, Evans, from Singapore to China, have both been abandoned at sea, full of water.

Arrived—Off Margate. May 6th, Montrose, Peters, from Bengal. At Deal, 6th. Diamond, Taylor, from Bengal; 7th, Herefurdshire, Moore; and Bombay, —, from Bombay ; and Essex, M•LeOd. from Bengal. At Liverpool, 5th, Superior, Johnstone, from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to 21st March, Set ern, Prance; Volunteer, Mllinn; Eleanor Russell, Worth ; and Alexander. Ramsay, from Mauritius; Helen Stewart, Corbett; Statesman, Quitter ; and Mangles. Carr; from Manilla. Loudon, Beim; Fairlie, Garrett; W. Jardine, Crosbie; and Wanderer. Smith, from Bengal; Barossa, Austin ; and Guess, Macy, from Singapore; Tigris, Symons. front Ceylon; Brilliant. Barr; and Strabane, Boson; from Bombay. At the Cape, previous to the 5th of March, Lintin, Gillman, from Liverpool; and Worcester. Waugh, from London. At the Cape, Liutin, Gillman, from Liverpool. At Bombay previous to March 31st, Lancaster, Jefferson, from Liverpool ; Cscnatie. Cunningham. from the Clyde ; and Roshuia. Keith, from Newcastle. At Ceylon, previous to March 15th. Lintou ; and Persia. Stevens. from London ; Pandora, Cothay; and Emily. Hillman, from Liverpool. At Bengal. previous to March 17th, Zenobia, Owen ; Henry Davidson, M' Donnell ; Mountstuart Elphinstoue, Biddle; and Viscount Melbourne. —, from London; Cassiopea, lliffin; Standard, Harrison ; Gemini. Morden ; and .Argyra, Reid, from Liverpool ; Assam, M'Alpine ; and Sorceress, Boyce, from the Clyde. At New South Wales, previous to Dec. 25th, Royal George. Richards; Symmetry, Butler; Susan, Crews; Royal, Ileppenstall; Lady M•Nag,liten, Doughty; Active.—; and Resource, from London; Old England, 'Dobson, from Liverpool; Piseator. NIQueen ; Fulmar, Collice; and Hind, Jones, from Newcastle.

Sailed— From Gravesend, May 1st. Larkius, Ingram ; and 2d. Semarang. Robertson, for Madras; 4th, Trio, Hall; and 5th, Winchester. Salmon, for Bengal. Frrim Liverpool, 4th, Princess Royal, Robinson, for Bengal; and Athol, Hosack, for Bombay.