The Whig Point Of Honour.
MINISTERS have been accused of lacking all sense of self-respect— of having no point of honour by which they would stand to extremity. How unjust the accusation is, Lord......
An Equivocal Compliment.
THE Dii inferiores of the Whig party are chuckling complacently over the stroke which they allege their leader keeps in reserve. If the worst come to the worst, the Whigs are to......
Attitude For A Portrait Of Mr. Fox Maule.
OUR readers are probably aware of the extensive fire which last week destroyed Gordon's Hotel, in Albemarle Street. They may not be aware, however, that the fire is attributed......
The Philharmonic Society.
THE nerves of the Philharmonic Directors always relax with the commencement of May : if they are ever braced and vigorous, it is in winter. The scheme of the fifth concert shows......
The Ancient Concerts.
THE destiny of the Ancient Concerts is controlled by the mere caprice o fashion ; and the success or failure of a season or a single concert is wholl y unaffected by the music......