Cabinet Councils Were Held On Saturday And Thursday.
Lord Worsley addressed a letter to the electors of the Parts of Lindsey, on the 5th May, in which he told them that he was getting up a requisition to the Sheriff to call a......
Sir Rufane Donkin Pat An End To His Existence On
Saturday, at Southampton. Sir Rufane had for some time been labouring under mental derangement ; and had more than once told Dr. Haviland, his medical attendant, that he thought......
Colonel Sir Henry Pottinger Has Gone Out By The Overland
India mail of this month, as Envoy to China, to supersede Captain Elliot ; with full power to settle all differences. The Volage arrived on Thursday morning at Portsmouth, with......
The Twenty-second Report Of The Committee On Public...
just been printed, with an account of the peiitions sent in from the 27th January to the 30th ApriL We extract some of the largest figures. The petitions against Lord Stanley's......
The Fete Of The King Of The French, On The
occasion of his birthday, on the 1st current, was celebrated on Saturday and Sunday ; and the baptism of the King's grandson, the Count of Paris, which was performed on Sunday,......
By The Overland Mail From India, Intelligence Has Been...
from Bombay to the 1st April, and from Macao to the 12th February. The news from China is not very satisfactory. From the time of the restoration of the Bogue forts to the......