The Twenty-second Report of the Committee on Public Petitions has
just been printed, with an account of the peiitions sent in from the 27th January to the 30th ApriL We extract some of the largest figures. The petitions against Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bill, and in favour of Lord Morpeth's Parliamentary Voters Bill, amount to 500, with 362,881 signatures; for Lord Stanley's Bill and against Lord Morpeth's, 53 petitions, 39,296 signatures ; simply against Lord Stanley's Bill, 80 petitions, 355,043 signatures ; for the Bill, 66 petitions, 101,467 signatures ; against Lord Morpeth's Bill, 1 petition, 1,910 signatures; in favour of it, 10 petitions, 99,152 signatures. For Church-extension, 750 petitions, 40,888 signatures. For abolition of Church Patronage in Scotland, 290 petitions, 125,037 signatures. For abolition of Church-rates, 369 petitions, 38,139 signatures. Against further grants to Maynooth College, 126 petitions, 47,739 signatures. For Repeal of the Corn-laws, 155 petitions, 80,050 signatures. On the subject of the Import duties, 63 petitions, 28,113 signatures. On the subject of Socialism, 25 petitions, 10,309 signatures. On the subject of the Newport riots, 28 petitions, 34,954 signatures. For repeal of the Poorlaw Amendment Act, 109 petitions, 35,987 signatures; for alteration of it, 77 petitions, 10,979 signatures. Against the Poor-law Amendment Bill, 248 petitions, 88,350 signatures ; for alterations of it, 258 petitions, 58,740 signatures. For freedom of religious instruction and attendance at places of worship, 39 petitions, 23,155 signatures. In favour of the Bill, 20 petitions, 246 signatures.