8 MAY 1841, page 5

Zbe _metropolis.

Mr. Daniel Whittle Harvey is spoken of as likely to be put forward as candidate for the office of City Comptroller ; some influential persons in the City wishing to see him......

The Annual Meeting Of The Council And Professors Of The

London University was held on Saturday, for conferring the medical prizes. Mr. Shell presided, and distributed the prizes ; and he dispensed a long oration to the crowded......

The Annual Meeting Of The Church Missionary Society Took...

at Exeter Hall, on Tuesday ; the Earl of Chichester presiding. On the platform, were Viscount Sandon, Lord Glenelg, the Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Chester, Mr.......

The General Yearly Meeting Of The New Zealand Company Was

held on Saturday, at the New Zealand House. The report presented a highly favourable view of the Company's affairs, and suggested new enterprises for the benefit of the colony.......

The Adjourned Cases Of Summons For Contested Church-rates...

Newington, which are very numerous, were again brought forward at Worship Street, on Thursday. By persevering in disputing the validity of the rates, the cases, all but a few......

In The Court Of Queen's Bench, On Monday, The Earl

of Waldegrave and Captain William Duff were brought up for sentence, for an outrageous assault on Wheatley, a Policeman at Hampton-wick. On the 4th of June, a party, consisting......

Tbe Vrobinres.

A seat for the borough of Sandwich is vacant by the death of Sir Rufane Dankin. Colonel Fox, a son of the late Lord Holland, and the husband of one of the daughters of Wifliam......