The annual meeting of the Council and Professors of the
London University was held on Saturday, for conferring the medical prizes. Mr. Shell presided, and distributed the prizes ; and he dispensed a long oration to the crowded audience.
The Percy Society held its annual meeting on Saturday. The Society reprints scarce old works ; a copy of each being given to the subscribers. Since it was established, nine months ago, it has printed 1,100 pages.
The London Literary Association of the Friends of Poland met for their ninth anniversary on Monday. Lord Dudley Coutts filled the chair. A poor account of their finances was rendered : a Rae at the Beulah Spa only returned 2941.; another at Cremorne House, Chelsea, saddled the Council with a deficiency of 142/. A ball at Guildhall was snore successful : it produced 628/. A public subscription, including the contributions of Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, and the Duke of Sussex, gave a net amount of 260/.